Learn To Organize Yourself Within Only Just One Week
– So That You Can Then Teach Yourself All Basics Within A Year.

And This Is Especially Useful If You Have A Different Full-Time Job Every Day.
Take The Time – To Organize Yourself To Another Level In Relation To WallStreet.
You Can’t Imagine Today What Awaits You? Try It Out – It Only Costs You 1h A Day!


About Us

D2D Homepage

Help for self-help with regard to WallStreet, the financial market, especially with the help of CFDs – that’s what you can not only expect on this site, but also what you get. And above all, if you have another full-time job (up to 8h a day), like most financial market participants, to finance your livelihood, your family’s livelihood.

Become a CFD professional – even if you have another full-time job on weekdays – by learning how to organize your everyday life and define exactly how you carry out your Daily CFD Business. And this with the help of extensive learning content provided free of charge by various CFD brokers also. That is the meaning and purpose of our Training D2D Homepage. Take 1 hour to 2 hours to read the entire homepage – so you know what to expect. Namely, daily self-instruction for a year to become a professional self-actor on WallStreet, by using CFDs, and a new (2nd) CFD Trading Account.

Our Services

Autodidact Self-Help
Training DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage

Learning to learn – and doing so in a pragmatic, practical, useful way. Helping you help yourselve.

Become a champion in everyday life – and this regardless of Wall Street, the markets, your CFD trading.

From now on, act like a professional every day -even if you have a full-time job (until 8h) every day.

Teach yourself the essential basics of investing and/or trading – and that in just 30min to 1h a day.

Take time for your every day (30min to 1h) – and after just 199 days you will have completed your training.

Become a professional with the help of the basic broker learning content provided free of charge.

Our D2D Basics: Autodidactic Learning
Helping You Help Yourselve. Thats Why D2D Basics – Thats It.

Learning To Learn – And Doing So In A Pragmatic, Practical, Useful Way.
In order to learn something useful, you first have to know what you want? And/Or also make yourself aware of whether the learning material on offer is interesting for you? Otherwise you’re just wasting your time! We’re wasting our time! So if you want to be helped to take responsibility for everything that concerns CFD trading, you will have a hearty, sensory-sharpened pleasure with our detailed clear Training D2D Homepage. And above all because of the insights, the practically pragmatic self-knowledge of autodidactic learning. Because once you have learned how to learn, especially when it comes to CFD trading, learning is fundamentally simpler. Simpler – and not necessarily easier. Because simple is simply simple.

Our D2D Basics: Time Frame
Helping You Help Yourselve. Thats Why Your Time Frame – Thats It.

Become A Champion In Your Everyday Life – And This Regardless Of The WallStreet.
Especially if you have another full-time job on weekdays in order to finance your family’s living expenses, you need some order in your everyday life. And this order – also known to many under the modern keywords time management, working life balance, etc. – does not come about by chance. No – it is created. And above all with the help of your time frame and/or trading frame. With the help of the time frame, you can keep a detailed overview of your everyday life 24 a day, 7 days a week. And with the trading framework you learn to focus on what you can influence, while your Daily CFD Business. So now, despite your full-time job, you can become a real CFD professional within 1 hour to 2 hours every day if you want.

Our D2D Basics: Trading Framework
Helping You Help Yourselve. Thats Why Your Trading Framework – Thats It.
Act Like A Professional Daily – Even If You Have A Full-Time Job (Until 8h) Every Day.
First you have to organize your everyday life – because it has 24 hours a day. And that 7 days a week. So that in order to build on this, you can skillfully take 1 hour to 2 hours a day to focus on your daily CFD business. So that you can concentrate on the essentials of CFD trading during your limited daily time. On the one hand that is research – the so-called information processing. The decision-making process to find out in what to get long, in what to get short, or what even not to trade – with the help of CFDs. And on the other hand, account management. So defining the number of transactions – defining an entry price, an exit price, and target price – and/or also defining each transaction of the entire portfolio value. So that you can develop into a CFD professional now, with the help of simple, pragmatic, practical, useful action patterns – if you want. And that too, alongside your full-time job – and/or in harmony with your family.

30min To 1h Daily: Your D2D Training Plan
Helping You Help Yourselve. Thats Why Take 30min To 1h Daily Time – Thats It.

Teach Yourself The Essential BROKER Basics Of Investing And/Or Trading For A Year.
More than half of all account holders lose their money while their CFD trading experiences. And that usually not due to enthusiasm, let alone willingness to learn, if we’re not mistaken. Rather, it’s because every interested person – a working person who has to work a full-time job – usually doesn’t fundamentally reorganize themselves when it comes to their everyday life. As for his Daily CFD Business. Because this is where the trouble lies – lies the hare buried in pepper. And that’s why we understand ourselves – this Training D2D Homepage – as your help for self-help. And not within a day, let alone a week – including higher fees that are usually not worth your money. No – we provide you with a free one-year training. What you can realize by doing this by only taking 30 minutes (up to 1 hour) each day. The path to becoming a CFD professional is prepared from our part! And that for 365 days – a whole year. It starts next Monday! If you want to? Whether you go our prepared path – or not? That’s up to you!

All In Just 365 Days: Your D2D Training Plan
Helping You Help Yourselve. Thats Why Take 30min To 1h Daily Time – Thats It.

Take Time Daily (30min To 1h) – And After Just 365 Days You Will Have Completed.
In the first phase you not only receive a detailed overview of the training content but also learn how to learn independently. So that you will have learned how to learn after just 3 days. Learned how to help yourself when you want to learn something new. As in the case of CFD trading. So that learning will be simplier for you from now on. Simplier – not easier. In the second phase (day 4), you organize a self-determined time frame to better master your everyday life. This does not guarantee successful CFD trading, but it does increase the likelihood of making better trading decisions. What you can organize for yourself in only one day if you want. And sends you to a relax wider level (self-image and/or self-understood). In the third phase (day 5), you organize a self-determined time frame to better master your daily cfd business. This does not guarantee successful CFD trading, but it does increase the likelihood of making better trading decisions. What you can organize for yourself in only one day if you want. And sends you to a sharper higher level (self-image and/or self-understood). In the fourth phase (day 6 & 7) you will familiarize yourself with what lies ahead – the basic knowledge of numerous reputable CFD online brokers. So that you can read and/or study everything basic about cfds and/or the financial market. And that all of this in just 2 days – to either get started (with your traing plan) or give up tomorrow. In the fifth phase (day 8 to 205) you will learn what you probably expected – basic knowledge of numerous reputable CFD online brokers. With their learning content you can read and study everything basic about CFDs and/or the financial market. Take a year to learn a handful of lessons every day. Looking back in a year, you won’t regret it – on the contrary! And/or last but not least in the sixth phase (day 206 to 365) you can reading, analyzing and evaluating my columns and/or analyses. With their you can read and study my perception of price action from 2022 & 2023 & 2024. What hopefully will give you a good idea and/or much more touch of ​​what moves the financial market and how. Looking back in a year, you won’t regret it – on the contrary!

In Total 1212 Lectures: Your D2D Training Plan
Helping You Help Yourselve. Thats Why Take 30min To 1h Daily Time – Thats It.

Become A CFD Pro With The Help Of The Broker Learning Content Provided Free Of Charge.
You should generally take at least 1 hour to implement your D2D Training Plan on a daily basis in a meaningful and useful way. 2 hours a day is even better. But because the most financial market participants on Wall Street, on the financial market, also have other main professional jobs to do (up to 8 hours per day). And thats why usually 1 hour should be enough. 30 minutes for your D2D Training Plan – and/or also 30 minutes for our daily D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper (to be up to date every day at the same time). Take your time. And follow through with Your D2D Training Plan. From start to finish – in the order dictated by our humble selfs. All you have to do is fill out the templates (from GOOGLE Drive) in writing. I know that even though reading this text may be getting on your nerves at the moment?! Or!? But that’s because you instinctively emotionally rationally believe in knowledge, and/or know that you start to believing in it. That, that this is what I’ve been missing so far, since I was participating in the financial market, on WallStreet, with the help of CFDs! Because from our experience; we can empathize with you very well as an interested market guy. Who also has a family to look after and have a main job that lasts eight hours a day. And also wants to deal with WallStreet professionally. To earn a few dollars in a morally, legally and/or financially clean manner.

Help For Self Help

Training D2D Homepage

Learn To Organize Yourself In Just One Calendar Week, Within Just 1 Hour A Day
– So That, Based On This, You Can Learn Yourself All You Need To Know About CFD Within 1 Year!

Basic Informations About This “Training D2D Homepage”
This Training DEVISE 2 DAY Website is only an information website – and not an invitation to deal with CFDs and/or to participate in the financial market or on WallStreet. Because we (Današnja Valuta GbR) are not a credit institution that handles securities transactions with you. No – we (Današnja Valuta GbR) are much more truly an information service that informs you about the price action development on the WallStreet, on the financial market, and that also with the help of CFDs. Therefore, always understand our information as trading capabilities – even 4XSetUps Trading Capabilities – because ultimately, right from the start, you bear both the moral and/or formal legal personal responsibility, not to mention monetary, for your (not) acting – even in the form of CFDs, on the financial market, on the WallStreet. So that we – even in the form of our Današnja Valuta GbR – neither morally nor formally legally, let alone monetarily, can be held responsible for your resulting profits and/or losses. Find out more about CFDs, the financial market, the WallStreet, even independently of our information service, from your bank, especially from the bank advisor of your bank. We do not fulfill this function. Inform yourself also about the legal framework of the country in which you are currently reading this website – and/or what nationality you are. Because the use of the information remains and is your own personality responsibility. If this Newspaper DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage does not meet certain moral, legal, as well as monetary requirements – in the country you currently live in and/or whose citizenship you have – we (Današnja Valuta GbR) hereby request you to leave this Website immediately.