Sometimes it’s unavoidable that everything seems to come crashing down on you at the same time. Do a full-time job for eight hours a day. In order to secure one’s own livelihood and the family’s livelihood. Wife, children, possibly parents. Yes, even aunts, uncles, cousins, and or even friends. And then have time every day to professionally deal with Wall Street, with the financial market, with the help of CFDs. This seems like an almost impossible task. But respect if you still try it every day: respect! I write from my own experience. It wasn’t any different years ago. And today at times too. In such times it is even more important that you become self-confident in what you have to do, like an inspector (in whatever job). That you have a plan. And you know what normally awaits you in everyday life, every day. So that you can overcome all the challenges that lie ahead. This is the only way you can make even better trading decisions (buy/sell or not trade) at the end, right from the start. And that’s what D2D Basics is all about. That is the goal of D2D Basics. That’s why we organize a time frame and trading framework for ourselves. And this is absolutely the case if we have another main professional activity every day. Because here, exactly here, the whole thing is going wrong. Is the problem! Are you the solution? The history, if you will, is that almost three quarters of all CFD trading account holders gamble away – gamble away – their deposited margin. Because, on the one hand, you cannot organize your everyday life yourself. And so we have never learned to be rested, orderly, well-considered, highly professional, to concentrate on what we can influence. And on the other hand, within the 1 hour to 2 hours you are not rested, organized, well thought out, highly professional, you know what you have to do every day and how. Which is why I invented both the time frame and the trading frame precisely for this – also based on a lot of negative personal experience.
Most CFD traders and/or CFD investors don’t have a structured everyday life, let alone a structured, written plan of what they should do every day. Maybe you also think that you have already found a suitable work system for you? Nevertheless, I think that, with all my modesty, I too can certainly give you something new and useful! Because I have never met a CFD trader or CFD investor, let alone other bank employees or broker employees, who have ever offered me such practical, pragmatic, useful tools, let alone given them to me free of charge. Which is why I’m incredibly proud of my D2D Basics. I admittedly did not invent its time frame and framework, including both contents. But, based on my own experience, I have found that almost all private financial market participants who try their luck on WallStreet with the help of CFDs were completely enthusiastic. And design your time frame and/or trading framework according to your own ideas. Which makes me incredibly proud as a trainer, as a coach, as a teacher, as a head coach. Above all, if you then tell me that your portfolio assets have also developed better since then than before.
That’s it! That’s why I do this…
Of course, the D2D Basics – both time frames and trading frames – are just suggestions. Just suggestions for improvements. And it’s by no means a universal key that will easily open all the doors that come your way. Don’t expect too much. And or but let me formulate it a little more precisely, more clearly and in more detail. Don’t expect anything wrong! Because the goal of the time frame and or trading frame is not to trade much more. So make sure that you open a new CFD trading account and thus increase the number of transactions at my CFD online brokerages. This (doesn’t) happen by itself – if you fill out your time frame and/or trading frame accordingly. No! Everyone who deals with Wall Street, with the financial market, with CFDs, ticks a little differently and a certain timing may work better for one person than another. And/or some people, in their trading context, much prefer to deal with basic information on a daily basis rather than with day-to-day business. In order to gain security. While others think nothing of the BROKER Basics. But even more so from my D2D newspaper. Nevertheless, it should be worthwhile for everyone – including you, I mean exactly you, yes you – to have tried everything at least once. But at least it’s worth trying everything once. Because in the end you may achieve results that you did not expect today. I even claim, and go so far, that you can’t even imagine how pragmatically practical and/or useful the D2D Basics will be for you! Therefore: Make a copy from the GOOGLE Drive. Organize your everyday life for the coming weeks. And stick to it! And you will, admittedly not in the first few days. But after weeks, let alone months, you realize completely unnoticed that you have become an even more competent personality (also thanks to the implementation of the BROKER Basics and reading my D2D newspaper).
This is where the methodology of fundamental analysis comes into play. Fundamental analysis is used to measure the intrinsic value of each security. And this is on the assumption that the security will, sooner or later, more or less, always trade up to the fair fundamental value, up or down. There are various value analyzes for currencies, government bonds, commodities, the stock market and individual stocks, all of which are useful. And that you have to know and be able to apply if you see yourself as a competent financial market participant and don’t deceive yourself.
Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«
The advantages of the time frame are many. And of course, each time frame can also be divided differently. I don’t have the claim of my time frame, your time frame, to a unique selling point. If you think, I forgot something, something is too much, what else would be better in your case? Do it! Because I assume that you are an adult – and know yourself best. This page is and always will only be an aid to self-help! No longer. But nothing less either. But you won’t deny me one thing either. Through a pragmatically practical, useful time frame, we can increase our productivity, reduce stress and lead a balanced life. It allows us to better cope with our everyday lives, improve our concentration and promote our creativity. Because by consciously organizing our time and defining what we (don’t) do when we engage in our CFD trading, we have more control over our lives and can get the most out of every day.
Therefore, it is also very important to note that both your time frame and your trading frame may not be transferrable to another person. So that every single CFD trader and/or CFD investor, let alone person, has to organize their own time frame and/or trading framework that suits their individual needs, priorities and working styles. And that requires experimentation, adjustment and continuous learning to find out which form of time frame and/or what content of the trading framework works best for you.
In a world that is becoming more and more hectic, and in which hectic people and even colleagues imagine themselves to be more and more important, a pragmatically practical, useful time frame and competent trading framework is an enormously efficient advantage. Because by using our time efficiently and always knowing what we are (not) doing – especially on Wall Street, on the financial market, in CFD trading – we can increase our performance and ultimately lead a fulfilling life. A skill that can be learned and developed – and has an enormously efficient (i.e. really positive) impact on all areas of our lives.
There is something exciting
about being able to master your own everyday life.
Sleeping, main job (usually up to 8 hours), hobby & free time (where you waste time with the family) – and then also dealing with WallStreet, the financial market, trading CFDs. That’s an above-average challenge – one that few take on. And this is exactly where I start! This is exactly why the time frame is so important! Even if others tell you otherwise. Just try it – and do it! Because using and/or implementing your self-determined time frame every day gives you the feeling that you always have a detailed overview. And that 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. And that every hour. The time frame is not an all-purpose key that opens every door for you – that is not its function or its use. No. Rather, the time frame gives you the feeling of knowing where you are and of having at least a detailed overview over time – every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Even if critics overestimate themselves and dismiss it with superficial intellectual insults. Organizing order in your life self-taught using your time frame, at least from now on, is a skill that anyone can acquire and is not that difficult to learn. But using the time frame as a part of your own life is, first and foremost, purely a matter of attitude. If you want it – and implement it – it’s no problem! Unless? Yes – it`s a problem! Thats why, organize your own self-determined time frame. And stick to it. Because if you don’t; then the people around you (un)consciously (un)intentionally do it.
Bed Time
In our so called western society; As we cultivate and preserve a healthy, peaceful, self-confident and free life with each other and/or next to each other, we normally spend 8 hours a day sleeping, 8 hours working (including school, and other further education institutes), and/or also have 8 hours of Hobby & Leisure time. Where we then waste time with our favorite fellow human beings – with our family. Although we spend about a third of our lives sleeping, humanity has not yet agreed on why people sleep at all. Both religious scholars and scientists know that sleep is vital and that one cannot live without it. Are you trying to survive without sleep? That’s it! Because no other living being sleeps as deeply and/or soundly as humans. Although the body lies defenseless, as if paralyzed, in an unconscious state during sleep, our brain, even our subconscious, remains highly active. And processed, if I’m mistaken, from observation, analysis and/or evaluation of my experience when it comes to sleeping, experiencing everything again. Sleep functions as an imaginary toilet in which we process everything imaginary. Which is why it’s not just the duration of sleep that matters, but also the quality of sleep. What everyone can clarify for themselves; by being honest with yourself about the length and/or quality of sleep. It is entirely possible to sleep for a short time and still have a good night’s sleep, or for a long time and a bad one, because everyone reacts differently. However, most people show cognitive impairment after just one bad night and experience serious losses after several bad nights that are comparable to negative drug use. Therefore, be aware of your sleep time. Because a healthy, peaceful, confident, regular sleep frees you from many of your everyday worries.
Working Hours
In our so called western society; As we cultivate and preserve a healthy, peaceful, self-confident and free life with each other and/or next to each other, we normally spend 8 hours a day sleeping, 8 hours working (including school, and other further education institutes), and/or also have 8 hours of Hobby & Leisure time. Where we then waste time with our favorite fellow human beings – with our family. In my home country Germany, the working hours of every employee on a working day may not exceed eight hours, by law alone. It can only be extended to up to ten hours if an average of eight hours on working days is not exceeded within six calendar months or within 24 weeks. Whether you are an employee, employer, self-employed, freelancer, or whether you do not have to do an activity every day to finance your living expenses, that is your private matter. And it also doesn’t play a crucial role in relation to our CFD trading. The activity, the main job is not crucial – not even in terms of the time frame. The only important thing is that, on the one hand, you correctly organize the time you spend on your day with your main job. And then, on the other hand, balance your sleep and/or your free time, i.e. Hobby & Leisure (which you normally spend with your family). In order to then organize time for CFD trading, for the financial market, for Wall Street, in an autodidactic manner. And that regardless of what those around you say to you.
Hobby & Leisure
In our so called western society; As we cultivate and preserve a healthy, peaceful, self-confident and free life with each other and/or next to each other, we normally spend 8 hours a day sleeping, 8 hours working (including school, and other further education institutes), and/or also have 8 hours of Hobby & Leisure time. Where we then waste time with our favorite fellow human beings – with our family. Because most people in our so-called civilized West have a full-time job to finance their living. And also sleep for 8 hours. And the day only has 24 hours. In this case, each individual has more or less 8 hours of time left – what I call Hobby & Leisure. Its the best time of our lives, for better or worse, when we usually waste our time with the family. And that regardless of whether you are an employee, employer, self-employed person, freelancer. Of course, there are paid jobs that take longer – and those that can be completed in a shorter time. Anyway? Because in this case too, as in the case of your full-time activity, i.e. your main job, the length of time you have, your hobbies and free time, does not play a decisive role for our CFD trading. The only important thing is that you organize your time honestly – when it comes to Hobby & Leisure. As in the other two cases (sleep time & work time). So that you can then, based on this, take your time in a well-considered, detailed manner for Wall Street, for the financial market, for CFD trading! If that’s what you want?
CFD Trading
In our so called western society; As we cultivate and preserve a healthy, peaceful, self-confident and free life with each other and/or next to each other, we normally spend 8 hours a day sleeping, 8 hours working (including school, and other further education institutes), and/or also have 8 hours of Hobby & Leisure time. Where we then waste time with our favorite fellow human beings – with our family. And now it’s important to take 1 hour to 2 hours out of this time for CFD trading, for the financial market, for Wall Street. Like a professional – who does his job at a certain time every day. Taking 1 hour to 2 hours a day to trade CFDs reads and/or sounds probably irrelevant, almost banal. But it is not. More than half, almost three quarters of all CFD traders, as well as ordinary shareholders, lose their money with the help of CFDs on the financial market, on Wall Street. And I found that hardly any of they had a time frame. Let alone a trading framework. And right here the rabbit is buried in the pepper. This is where I see my benefit for you. The meaning and purpose of my D2D Basics. This is despite the fact that a time frame and then corresponding trading framework do not guarantee you profits. But it certainly makes it more likely. Your chance of winning increases – because you have better organized your everyday life with the help of your time frame. And from now on, you can only concentrate on CFD trading, on the financial market, on WallStreet at a certain point in time every day. Because that is the purpose of your time frame. Take 1 hour to 2 hours of time every day to organize yourself like a pro. In order to then only focus on Wall Street, the financial market, and CFD trading in a highly professional manner (with the help of your trading framework).
Your everyday life will only ever be yours
if you organize your time in an autodidactism manner.
Other people, such as your wife, your parents, your children, your grandchildren, even maybe grandma and/or grandpa, as well as other family members, as well as other people, such as job colleagues, may try to influence your time frame. And/or try to decide about your time. But they do not have the right to do so. They can’t. And if? Then only because you allow it! Instead of believing that you don’t have time, that you don’t need a time frame, you should just try to determine a time frame for yourself. And stick to it for at least a week, preferably a month. Looking back, you won’t believe how pragmatically practical a time frame is. Of course you have obligations to do every day! Me too! But because you now have a detailed overview using your time frame every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you now have time every day for CFD trading, for the financial market, for WallStreet. All successful CFD traders and/or CFD investors that I know use my time frame and/or trading frame. Even if now – since we have known each other for years – only imaginary. They have their time frame, as well as their trading frame, memorized in their head, in their imagination, in their thinking cloud. And they can access it for theirself at any time if they want. Like my humble self, of course, too. Because the recipe for success of the time frame is that you simply know how to use your time well from now on. And that is not a gift, not a myth, let alone coincidence or luck. No. It is the result of your attitude and/or realization of your autodidactism self-determined time frame. But that takes practice. So start early next monday. Because through daily practice and daily realization of your time frame, you develop the ability to master your everyday life. And on top of that, spend 1 hour to 2 hours in a highly professional manner with Wall Street, with the financial market, with CFD trading.
You should generally take at least 1 hour as a CFD Trader and/or CFD Investor on a daily basis in a meaningful and useful way. 2 hours a day is even better. But because the most financial market participants on Wall Street, on the financial market, also have other main professional activities (up to 8 hours per day), usually 1 hour should be enough.
The only important thing, at least in my personal experience, is that you first organize a time frame. So create a weekly plan where you can organize your working time, your free time and or even your sleeping time yourself. Then, building on that, take 1 hour to 2 hours a day during your free time. So that from now on you can understand how to handle your everyday life and/or your CFD trading in a pragmatic, practical and useful way.
Your time frame and/or trading framework will help you make your everyday life more stress-free. Because planning and rather exercising conscious control over the time and content of your activities, as in our case with CFD trading, is enormously effective. What will help you to master your everyday life in a pragmatic, practical and useful way. And or also your CFD trading. Because a self-organized everyday life and a competent trading framework, as in our case, in the case of CFD trading, also enables you – yes exactly you, yes I mean you – to achieve more, with less effort and in less time. And that’s only because you have organized a time frame for yourself. And stick to your competent trading framework.
I believe that in this case he wants to warn us about brokers that we are trading too much. So carrying out too many transactions that he thinks are unnecessary. Because in a historical context, stocks have always risen over the longer term. Which is true – but that’s not the majority of stocks. Neither on Wall Street, let alone on the Nasdaq – I don’t even want to start talking about this about the rest of the world. Because in the main stream media about the WallStreet, of course, mostly the success stories are advertised so that the business on the financial market, that of the broker, continues. That`s why make rules for yourself and stick to them until you don’t have succeed with your rules – then change the rules! Such as: no transaction without first defining the number of transactions, the entry and exit price including the stop price, or even the position size of the transaction in % of the portfolio.
Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«
What Is A Time Frame?
The time frame is defined by the procedures that are intended to help you learn to organize your everyday life – first your everyday life – yourself. In order to then take 1 hour to 2 hours every day for a certain period of time to deal with Wall Street, the financial market, and CFD trading in a highly professional manner. It is therefore not only your working time that is very important, but also your sleeping time. Because I don’t want to and can’t influence them. This is your private matter – just like your free time. Therefore, make yourself aware – perhaps for the first time – how you want to structure your everyday life and how you can structure it. And then, based on this, think at least as carefully as when, and for how long, every day you want to take time for WallStreet, for the financial market, for CFD trading. You will be amazed at how useful, pragmatically practical you can be in your everyday life.
What Is A Good Time Frame?
A good time frame means, at least in my humble opinion, that you take time for your job, for your free time, and/or also for your sleep. And then just concentrate on your job, your free time (family and friends), and your sleep. That’s why you should always stick to deadlines and plan your time accordingly. Especially your CFD trading – within your free time. Only if you have previously organized your everyday life yourself – i.e. work time, leisure time and sleep time – and actually set aside 1 hour to 2 hours of time every day for Wall Street, for the financial market, for CFD trading and stick to it Good time management will prevent you from becoming overwhelmed. And make sure that you don’t feel tired all the time, but rather that you become more productive in a pragmatic, practical and useful way in the time you have.
What Is The Goal Of The Time Frame?
The central goal of the time frame is the pragmatic, practical, useful planning, implementation and control of all areas of life. Work time, leisure time, sleep time. And also your CFD trading – in your free time. In this way, you will master your everyday life enormously more efficiently because you will always know what is currently important to you, every hour of the day (24 hours a day). Either main job? Or leisure? Or sleep time? Or CFD trading? That’s all! Absolutely pragmatic, practical, useful! Extremely efficient! In addition, the elimination of disruptive factors when you formulate and stick to your self-determined time frame represents another extremely efficient – truly positive – attitude to life. Because you now know in detail what you need to do every hour of every day , now (not) do it.
What Do I Get Out Of A New Time Frame?
You don’t have time to read my D2D online newspaper every day. Let alone other important news and programs on Bloomberg, CNBC, Fox Business, CNN, etc. etc. etc. to see. And do you simply feel overwhelmed by your main job and your family (whom you love more than anything and for whom you would do anything for)? Then you are doing something wrong! And not because you are stupid! But because you have never dealt with a pragmatic, practical, sensible, useful time frame! Let alone someone brought it to your attention! Who? My humble person: Aaron (real and Catholic baptized name Damir Galic). So that you always have a detailed overview of your daily working time, your daily free time, your daily free time. And from now on, take your time for CFD trading. And then just concentrate on him, just like you did on your job during your working life. During your free time with your family and friends. During your sleep time on your sleep. Organize your time frame according to your personal, subjective individual ideas. The price is worth it. Namely an extremely efficient everyday life that gives you a positive quality of life because you now always know what you (don’t) do every day. 24 hours or 1440 minutes are available to everyone every day – this is an unassailable time budget that is not always used properly. 86400 seconds to be exact! But don’t put pressure on yourself to function every second! This drives you crazy – and then you feel guilty and/or ashamed. It is enough to simply be aware of whether you are currently concentrating on what you can influence in every hour. Whether during his working time, in his free time, and or even during his sleeping time. And then also during your 1 hour to 2 hours when you are dealing with CFD trading. That’s why it’s important to divide up the 24 hours a day in a pragmatic, practical, useful way – and stick to it. You will be amazed at how enormously efficiently your attitude towards life will increase. Admittedly not after a day. But maybe after a week? One month? But definitely after a quarter! Let alone a year!
What Does It Mean To Have A New Time Frame?
In the last 20 years, more and more books have been published on the topics of time management and/or self-management. I have read many of them too. Some were actually really good. Others, however, are not even worth the ink and paper used to publish them. Nevertheless, I have put together the D2D Basics (including time frames and trading frames) based on my personal, subjective individual experience. And hopefully in such a way that you too – yes exactly you, yes I mean you – really get a pragmatic, practical benefit from it. Because I know from my own experience what it means to have a main job every day and also take care of your family. And then WallStreet too? The financial market? CFD trading? That deserves respect. Here’s my respect! But that’s not enough. That’s why my D2D basics: time frames and trading frames. So that you learn to organize yourself – and to master your everyday life. Because of their health, everyone is obliged to introduce good self-organization and good self-management.
Test Yourself Daily – It Will Be Better Than You Think!
Get organized. And just be confident about what your week will look like – within your time frame. Work time, leisure time, and sleep time. And also CFD trading in your free time. Save your weekly time frame in your imagination – and remind yourself of it every now and then every day. Remembering, and/or sticking to it, will give you an enormously efficient attitude to life. Because from now on, intentionally, intentionally and skillfully, you will only focus on your job during your working time. During your free time with your family and friends. And during your sleep time, take time to sleep. In the same way, you will be dealing with CFD trading within the daily 1h to 2h hour, from now on, always at the time you specify. Stick to your time frame. And that every day. Don’t get distracted and practice self-discipline. And you will be rewarded with an extremely efficient – positive – attitude to life! This is a former sinner speaking from personal experience – a trainer, a teacher, a head coach – who wants to protect you from the mistakes I made.

Let’s face it: we are all truth-lovers! By we, I mean us people – us people, regardless of WallStreet. But don’t get me wrong: I don’t think that on WallStreet the truth is told and/or glorified any more or less than in other industries. But because on WallStreet, in the financial market in general, there is a lot of money – and behind all the money there are not just stories, so-called narratives as we have heard again and again in recent years – the truth is the authenticity ( i.e. a person who truly stands in front of me in real time) who is also competent in dealing with money (i.e. knows what he is doing without questioning him about it) a treasure that should not be underestimated and can hardly be measured in monetary terms.
Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«