That’s It
Not only seeing ourselves as a CFD professional, but also being one means the way we engage with WallStreet – despite our other full-time jobs. How we do what we do when dealing with price action in relation to our CFD trading and/or CFD investing. There are hardly any schools in which we learn how we should behave on WallStreet, let alone when dealing with CFDs, how we should think, what we should or should not say, how we should dress. Let alone have I ever experienced a school that teaches those of us interested in WallStreet how to find an inner style when we have another main job on weekdays.
Those who hope for greater success on WallStreet and are willing to do something to achieve it – with the help of CFDs – will be thrilled with your one-year D2D training plan. The training plan is formulated in such a way that you only need 30 minutes to 1 hour for it every day. And through long-term training, lasting a year, a constant learning effect will appear, sooner or later, more or less, as if by itself. So that you will inevitably become more competent in your everyday life. And/or also when dealing with CFDs. And all of this in harmony with your main job, your family – thanks to your time frame. Because you always know what to do and how – thanks to your trading framework. Because your one-year D2D training plan includes a variety of personal goals. Being successful means having goals, taking personal responsibility, dealing with everyday life, having high self-esteem, thinking clearly, being alert and aware, acting and learning, taking care of even the smallest detail and all of this with foresight and perspective to keep an overview. Everything you can theoretically learn in your one-year D2D training plan in the first week, if you want – implement the specifications of your D2D training plan. And from the second week onwards you can learn to implement it practically for 51 weeks. And you do this by taking up to 1 hour a day – for a whole year. Although 2 hours a day is even better.
All of the skills we just mentioned are important to surviving financially on Wall Street. And will take you further in your CFD trading and/or CFD investing. But you can’t vaccinate yourself in the form of a syringe! No – you only acquire certain skills through daily practice, practice, and more practice. Just through daily training. Also during the implementation of your D2D training plan. By setting and achieving goals. Take personal responsibility for both your everyday life and for the development of your CFD trading account. Don’t neglect your family life, in addition to your main job and now also your professional daily CFD business. Stick to what you set out to do – and thus maintain and even strengthen your self-esteem. By thinking clearly, staying alert and aware by sticking to both your time frame and trading frame on a daily basis. By actually setting aside 1 hour (even better, 2 hours) a day. And then implement everything. And take care of even the smallest detail and keep an overview of the whole thing with foresight and perspective – your sleeping time, your main job, your hobbies and free time. And/or now also your daily CFD business.
I got to know many CFD online broker founders, managing directors, as well as other bankers and bank analysts. Your attitude towards dealing with price action as well as your effort to bring your everyday life into harmony and/or harmony was always exactly the ability that each of you embodied. And what you too will be able to do if you consistently implement your D2D training plan every 52 weeks, for a year, on a regular, daily basis.
After a lecture that I once gave to a CFD online broker over 10 years ago, when I was working for him as a volunteer while I was mainly caring for my mother, the managing director at the time said to me in front of the entire team: “If everyone If one or two of you had his attitude, then we would definitely have a higher number of transactions with our account holders’ CFD trading accounts!” Unfortunately, the managing director at the time no longer works at the CFD online brokerage house – and the three owners of the house didn’t like me as well as he did, so I don’t work for this CFD online brokerage house today. However, since then I have been motivated by the idea of offering my fellow human beings help to help themselves! Because so good that everyone becomes my follower? I didn’t understand myself that well even back then. But since then I have noticed that I have more success with my columns, analyzes and 4XSetUps – when my fellow human beings benefit, thanks to me. In contrast to when I am actively involved myself. And so I, with my cousin, decided to start Danasnja Valuta GbR to found. And to offer interested people help to help themselves with regard to WallStreet in the form of CFD trading and/or CFD investing. And that too in the form of even this Training D2D Homepage.
Most people who deal with WallStreet, let alone financial market participants who trade CFDs, have a day job. An another full-time job (until 8h a day) to be able to finance the living expenses of their own family. And it is precisely into this almost insignificant insight and/or fact that your D2D Training Plan is now coming across. Because every handfull daily lessons are formulated, from our affiliate online brokers, independed from us, in such a way that every interested person around the world, regardless of what their day-to-day job is, can obtain competent basic informations about the WallStreet and/or about the financial market price actions, especially when dealing with CFDs, if they want. All you need is 1h of time at least every day, day by day – to study basic knowledge on your own daily (a whole year long). That’s why your D2D Training Plan will be your new old advantage over everyone else who doesn’t realize your D2D Training Plan. And this regardless of the industry in which you earn your money full-time. That’s why learn to help yourself with the help of your D2D Training Plan. And make it to your daily, competent, informative companion. Try it – you’re worth it! Do you remember how you had to spend several hours a day at school learning about something that you secretly didn’t want to do? Because your parents expected it of you – society expected it of you? Just remember for a moment the queasy feeling in your stomach that you secretly wanted to do something differently but couldn’t do it because of the circumstances at that time! And now come back to the present – and imagine that you can learn whatever you want! And not only that? You even have a plan that you just need to implement consistently every day for a whole year. And that’s about the topic, about the learning content, in our case about Wall Street, the financial market, especially when dealing with CFDs, which of course interests you – that’s it – that´s why your D2D Training Plan is your help to help yourself! Your path back to the future! Your path back to the future – if you take 1 hour a day to implement your D2D Training Plan. But 2h are better – if you will and/or can organize it, day by day, daily, one year long.
The one-year D2D training plan is an aid to self-help. Especially if you have another full-time job on weekdays to support your family. It consists of daily lessons that remind us of our higher potential when it comes to CFD trading and/or CFD investing – by going back to the basics. The one-year D2D training plan reminds us how competent each of us can be if we only give ourselves the opportunity. And not just have a plan to become more competent. Rather, implement this one plan – your D2D training plan – every day, to become a better CFD trader and/or CFD investor.
This simple D2D training plan teaches anyone interested in WallStreet the kind of confidence, the kind of competence that I wish everyone who deals with WallStreet, with the financial market, with CFD trading and/or CFD investing, had with them. If you implement your D2D training plan daily from the start, you will quickly learn that almost everything negative you have heard about CFDs will of course disappear into thin air. Because we humans usually describe problems as problems because we have no competence. But with the help of your D2D training plan, you will no longer have any fundamental questions about WallStreet or CFD trading and/or CFD investing, at least with regard to CFD trading and/or CFD investing.
Most people who deal with WallStreet, let alone financial market participants who trade CFDs, have a day job. An another full-time job (until 8h a day) to be able to finance the living expenses of their own family. And it is precisely into this almost insignificant insight and/or fact that your D2D Training Plan is now coming across. Because every handfull daily lessons are formulated, from our affiliate online brokers, independed from us, in such a way that every interested person around the world, regardless of what their day-to-day job is, can obtain competent basic informations about the WallStreet and/or about the financial market price actions, especially when dealing with CFDs, if they want. All you need is 1h of time at least every day, day by day – to study basic knowledge on your own daily (a whole year long). That’s why your D2D Training Plan will be your new old advantage over everyone else who doesn’t realize your D2D Training Plan. And this regardless of the industry in which you earn your money full-time. That’s why learn to help yourself with the help of your D2D Training Plan. And make it to your daily, competent, informative companion. Try it – you’re worth it! Do you remember how you had to spend several hours a day at school learning about something that you secretly didn’t want to do? Because your parents expected it of you – society expected it of you? Just remember for a moment the queasy feeling in your stomach that you secretly wanted to do something differently but couldn’t do it because of the circumstances at that time! And now come back to the present – and imagine that you can learn whatever you want! And not only that? You even have a plan that you just need to implement consistently every day for a whole year. And that’s about the topic, about the learning content, in our case about Wall Street, the financial market, especially when dealing with CFDs, which of course interests you – that’s it – that´s why your D2D Training Plan is your help to help yourself! Your path back to the future! Your path back to the future – if you take 1 hour a day to implement your D2D Training Plan. But 2h are better – if you will and/or can organize it, day by day, daily, one year long.
Even slight doubts about making profits on WallStreet, the financial market using CFDs, can hinder us, drain us and cause us to lose sight of the positive aspect of price action. Some forms of these doubts even have physical causes and should be treated medically. But most of the doubts of those of us interested in WallStreet arise from experiences in the past or at the moment that depress us, make us hopeless and/or lead us to despair. And this is especially true when we have another full-time job on weekdays in order to secure our family’s livelihood. After all, we all don’t want our hard-earned money to disappear so quickly at the touch of a button due to wrong trading decisions, during our CFD trading and/or CFD investing – our CFD trading account melts down. And that is the purpose of your year-long D2D training plan. Although it doesn’t guarantee you any profits, it saves you losses. But if you implement it every day for a year, your probability of making profits as CFD trading and/or CFD investing will certainly increase.
By practicing every day, and practicing, and practicing – that is, by repeating, repeating, and repeating every day – after a few days, weeks, or months at the latest, you will acquire a habit that will make these doubts obsolete. Because you will become more competent, more competent, and more competent – like any expert in his or her work. Just remember the time before you started your day job! The first year? The years after? And today? That’s it! Therefore your D2D training plan! Why shouldn’t it work with CFD trading and/or CFD investing when it has already been proven to work for many other people?
Most people who deal with WallStreet, let alone financial market participants who trade CFDs, have a day job. An another full-time job (until 8h a day) to be able to finance the living expenses of their own family. And it is precisely into this almost insignificant insight and/or fact that your D2D Training Plan is now coming across. Because every handfull daily lessons are formulated, from our affiliate online brokers, independed from us, in such a way that every interested person around the world, regardless of what their day-to-day job is, can obtain competent basic informations about the WallStreet and/or about the financial market price actions, especially when dealing with CFDs, if they want. All you need is 1h of time at least every day, day by day – to study basic knowledge on your own daily (a whole year long). That’s why your D2D Training Plan will be your new old advantage over everyone else who doesn’t realize your D2D Training Plan. And this regardless of the industry in which you earn your money full-time. That’s why learn to help yourself with the help of your D2D Training Plan. And make it to your daily, competent, informative companion. Try it – you’re worth it! Do you remember how you had to spend several hours a day at school learning about something that you secretly didn’t want to do? Because your parents expected it of you – society expected it of you? Just remember for a moment the queasy feeling in your stomach that you secretly wanted to do something differently but couldn’t do it because of the circumstances at that time! And now come back to the present – and imagine that you can learn whatever you want! And not only that? You even have a plan that you just need to implement consistently every day for a whole year. And that’s about the topic, about the learning content, in our case about Wall Street, the financial market, especially when dealing with CFDs, which of course interests you – that’s it – that´s why your D2D Training Plan is your help to help yourself! Your path back to the future! Your path back to the future – if you take 1 hour a day to implement your D2D Training Plan. But 2h are better – if you will and/or can organize it, day by day, daily, one year long.
Before you come to the conclusion that you are completely helpless and that you cannot play on Wall Street anyway, let alone profit from the financial market with the help of CFDs, you should give yourself the chance to take advantage of our offer. It doesn’t cost you a cent – just 1 hour of your time every day. Give yourself the chance instead of continuing to doubt – otherwise you wouldn’t have found your way to our Training D2D homepage, lost your way, and/or not visited this website. We know this from our own experience during CFD trading and/or CFD investing. This is also the open secret of your D2D training plan – and also the main reason why it has already helped so many people more than most individuals could not have imagined before.
If you’re worried about WallStreet, especially during CFD trading and/or CFD investing, it’s not because it’s human nature. No – you are worried because you are instinctively emotionally rationally incompetent. Be honest with yourself! You are worried and/or doubtful because you don’t have a plan – for your everyday life, including daily CFD business – that takes everything important into account in detail and in a competent manner. And because you also have another day job and use your hard-earned money, it’s the most normal thing in the world to worry about your money. That you have doubts about how your CFD trading account will perform. If no one has told you this yet, then hopefully this is another plus point for us, for our information service, for your one-year D2D training plan. Because the purpose of your D2D training plan is to replace your doubts and worries with competence. And that only works through daily practice, practice and more practice. Therefore, take 1 hour a day to learn a basic skill that will replace your legitimate worries of the past with a skill you have also learned. That’s what you deserve too during your CFD trading and/or CFD investing – and that with our help for self-help.
Visit our Training DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage,
especially if you have a full-time job on weekdays,
subscribe and, above all, read regulary our daily
D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper!
On working days to have a full-time job
doesn`t have to be a disadvantage for you,
if you want to make money on the Wall Street,
on the financial market – with the help of CFDs
– you just need a competent Info Broker Agent,
daily informations, and/or a CFD Online Broker!
Visit our Broker DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage,
especially if you have a full-time job on weekdays,
and open an account with one of ours brokers
to turn back your supposed disadvantage!
On working days to have a full-time job
doesn`t have to be a disadvantage for you,
if you want to make money on the Wall Street,
on the financial market – with the help of CFDs
– you just need a competent Info Broker Agent,
daily informations, and/or a CFD Online Broker!
Affiliate Partner
»TradingView« is a charting platform and/or social network used by 50M+ traders & investors worldwide to spot opportunities across global markets. Look first / Then leap – it’s what »TradingView« call their motive and/or philosophy. What measn, that it doesn’t matter who you are and/or what you trade, preparing then committing is the best way of maximizing life’s returns. To live up to that mission, »TradingView« create a code of honor with three principles on that all their team members swear by: Our users are our investors. It’s not charts, it’s freedom. And/Or finance should be social. Which basically means that »TradingView« make most of their money only through low cost monthly subscriptions and/or ads. So they don’t care if you trade or not. Because they are thinking: objectivity is excellence. During that »TradingView« never lose sight of the fact that millions of traders invest their hard-won capital based on what they see on their platform. The better they do, the better you can do. Which is why the monthly subscription costs are social. Open discussion and self-expression are the greatest keys to unlocking understanding, for »TradingView«. So they have set out to build the best finance platform with a strong social network at its core.
Supercharts, Pine Script™, Stock Screener, Forex Screener, Crypto Pairs Screener, Crypto Coins Screener, Stock Heatmap, Crypto Heatmap, ETF Heatmap, Economic Calendar, Earnings Calendar, Sparks, News Flow, TradingView Desktop, Mobile app, CME Group futures, Eurex futures, and/or US stocks bundle are »TradingView« impressive product selection. And therefore makes »TradingView« a useful charting platform and/or social network. And that’s why TradingView is also our (Danasnja Valuta GbR) exclusive information provider. Which is why we have agreed an affiliate partner program with »TradingView« in writing. And we »TradingView« have also won as a financier of our D2D Affiate Financial Market Online Newspaper.
Affiliate Partner
»TradingEconomics« provides its users with accurate information for 196 countries including historical data and/or forecasts for more than 20 million economic indicators, exchange rates, stock market indexes, government bond yields and commodity prices. Trading Economics data is based on official sources, not third party data providers, and our facts are regularly checked for inconsistencies. The Homepage of Trading Economics has received more than 1.5 billion page views from all around the world.
That’s why »TradingEconomics« is our (Danasnja Valuta GbR) information provider. Which is why we have agreed an affiliate partner program with »TradingEconomics«. And we have won »TradingEconomics« as a financier of our D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper.
About Us
We have decided to operate our business in the form of a GbR – because with the help of this legal form we can not only better satisfy the financial interests of our financiers. But also the interests of our clients and readers. And last but not least, of course, ours too. Both of us – Damir Galić (Managing Director) & Marko Horvat (Debuty Secretary) – are Croatian citizens and currently live in Germany and/or Croatia. Founding a German GbR company has not only become a classic option for us entrepreneurs. Of course, we were ultimately aware of the need to weigh up various aspects when choosing the legal form. So we decided to set up Današnja Valuta GbR quickly, inexpensively and with hardly bureaucracy. However, we should never ignore the numerous obligations and/or costs that arise after the formation of a GbR company under German law.
Why Is The Company Called Današnja Valuta GbR?
The name of the company is a translation from German (Devise Von Heute).
This information service was originally supposed to be launched in German language. But because of the wonders of the Internet – the ability to communicate more easily around the world – we have decided to operate worldwide and in english language. But don`t get us wrong. We don’t hide our roots, let alone glorify our past. And thats why we decided to name our company in our native Croatian language.
How Many Employees Does Današnja Valuta GbR Have?
The company has 2 employees. On the one hand, me – Damir Galić. And on the other side Marko Horvat. We are both cousins by blood – as Damir Galić’s father and Marko’s mother’s father, Dominik Galić, were one and the same. Današnja Valuta Ltd. Director and/or Founder is Damir Galić. Današnja Valuta Ltd. Secretary and/or Co-Founder Marko Horvat. Damir Galić – also known to many on the Internet under the pseudonym Aaron – is responsible for the content of the information service. While Marko Horvat ensures that the distribution of our information service always remains problem-free between us and our financiers and/or between us and our clients.
What Is The Operational Business Of Današnja Valuta GbR ?
We are purely only an information provider – for everyone who is interested in WallStreet, in the financial market, especially CFD trading. We read, analyze and evaluate publicly available current and/or historical informations (news & data) so that our clients, on WallStreet and in the financial market, especially with the help of CFDs, can make even better trading decisions (long/short or no trade). We provide everyone who is interested with basic informations – such as on our Training D2D Homepage. In addition, we also provide up-to-date daily informations – in our D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper – such as on our Newspaper D2D Homepage. And last but not least, we also provide all of our students and/or readers, even followers, with the opportunity – on our Broker D2D Homepage – to open a new, second CFD trading account. So that together you can make even better trading decisions (long/short or no trade) based on your knowledge and ours.
How Does Današnja Valuta Ltd. Make Money With Its Business?
We make money by distributing our information through advertising. And that in the form of our D2D Homepage – Training D2D Homepage, Newspaper D2D Homepage, and/or Broker D2D Homepage. This means that we formulate our information, first and foremost, for our clients. So CFD trading account holders of »ActivTrades«, »AvaTrade«, »«, »Dukascopy«, »EasyMarkets«, »Eightcap«, »instaforex«, »Plus500«, and/or »XM«. We mainly use »TradingView« as a charting platform. And rely on the news and data from »TradingEconomics«. In addition to the 9 brokers, we also won both as affiliate partners. As an affiliate partner, we mainly earn money when people visit our D2D Homepage and read our D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. And open a new CFD trading account. Or subscribe a »TradingView« and/or »TradingEconomics« subscription.
On our D2D Homepage we (Današnja Valuta GbR) provide information about WallStreet, about the financial market, about CFD trading. We act as an information service that reads, analyzes and/or evaluates publicly available informations. So that based on this, we can provide informative support to interested people who are trying to find their luck with the help of CFDs on the financial market, even on WallStreet. Hopefully competent support from our side. Thats why you will primarily only get basic informations on the Training D2D Homepage. In order to first read everything fundamentally on your own in an autodidactic manner. On the Newspaper D2D Homepage, however, there is our D2D Online Newspaper. Which seems up to 250 days a year. And with their help you will be informed about the financial markets, about the WallStreet pragmatic, practical. So that from now on you can be competently informed every day – if you want it too. While on Broker D2D Homepage we are also given you the opportunity to open a new CFD trading account. Where you can try to capitalize on everything you have learned from us, in the truest sense of the word. And with the help of us, especially Aaron, as your supportive companion. In the role of an Info Broker Agent – when you open a new CFD trading account. And also Marko – who will ensure that Aaron’s information always reaches all of our clients who have opened a new CFD trading account on our Broker D2D Homepage. Open also one – and we will stay connect, thanks the wonder of the internet, until 24h a day, 5 days every week, connect.
D2D Info Broker Agent
“If you come to me after your one-year D2D Training Plan and say to me that your Daily CFD Business is now at a new higher and/or wider level, also thanks to our D2D Financial Market Online Newspaper, and that you have therefore opened another new CFD Trading Account, then I have done everything right! Thanks in advance for that…”
D2D Internet Administrator
“If I personally don’t hear any criticism or complaints, let alone you question everything we have published on our websites, then we have done everything right! Everything formulated correctly and/or presented in such a way that it was and is of course understandable for you, yes exactly for you, yes I mean you! Thanks in advance for that…”
The future will be traded on WallStreet, on the financial market, especially in derivatives trading, i.e. CFDs. So that everyone always tries, at least mentally, to anticipate the future in order to act accordingly: buy? sell? not act? So we can basically assume that everything is (not) priced into the current price, more or less, sooner or later. Which is true in the case of certain price movements! Which is not true in the case of certain price movements! Or?
Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«
Training D2D Homepage
Write us an Email incl. which city (country) you are from and/or and what your main job is and we`ll consider publishing your thoughts here may be too!?
I now know everything I need – about CFDs. However, you could have sorted out the similar lessons from the different brokers. That was a bit annoying. But it served the learning purpose. Thanks man.
Customs Officer
Hongkong, Hongkong
Your training is absolutely practical every day. I’ve learned to organize my everyday life better and now take 1h just for Wall Street daily. And I am happy about it! Really easy to implement – good work.
Supermarket Employee
Pilsen, Czech Republic
Basic Informations About This “Training D2D Homepage”
This Training DEVISE 2 DAY Website is only an information website – and not an invitation to deal with CFDs and/or to participate in the financial market or on WallStreet. Because we (Današnja Valuta GbR) are not a credit institution that handles securities transactions with you. No – we (Današnja Valuta GbR) are much more truly an information service that informs you about the price action development on the WallStreet, on the financial market, and that also with the help of CFDs. Therefore, always understand our information as trading capabilities – even 4XSetUps Trading Capabilities – because ultimately, right from the start, you bear both the moral and/or formal legal personal responsibility, not to mention monetary, for your (not) acting – even in the form of CFDs, on the financial market, on the WallStreet. So that we – even in the form of our Današnja Valuta GbR – neither morally nor formally legally, let alone monetarily, can be held responsible for your resulting profits and/or losses. Find out more about CFDs, the financial market, the WallStreet, even independently of our information service, from your bank, especially from the bank advisor of your bank. We do not fulfill this function. Inform yourself also about the legal framework of the country in which you are currently reading this website – and/or what nationality you are. Because the use of the information remains and is your own personality responsibility. If this Newspaper DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage does not meet certain moral, legal, as well as monetary requirements – in the country you currently live in and/or whose citizenship you have – we (Današnja Valuta GbR) hereby request you to leave this Website immediately.