Account Management

Account management is essential in CFD trading – i.e. necessary for survival. For better or worse, it is the most important thing – even if most of those interested enjoy news navigation. Above all, private CFD traders and/or CFD investors who have other professional activities during the day fail because they do not pay much attention to the topic of account management. On the other hand, if you ask professionals, not just those who operate with CFDs but with billions, you will always get “balanced account management” as an answer. If you are a CFD beginner and are just starting out with CFD trading of currencies or other financial products, without good account money management you will most likely not be successful and will suffer losses. The reason for this is quite simple: if your losses are greater than your profits, you will make losses in the long run! That’s it. Here the rabbit is buried in the pepper. Are you the problem; you are the solution. Conversely, you will be successful if you manage to keep your winning trades always greater than your losses. Of course, you also need a good selection when it comes to news navigation. But even with the best analysis and/or evaluation of individual values, such as the APPLE share and/or the USD index, you will not be successful in the long term without good account money management. Let us therefore hold on at this point. By account money management I mean managing the risks of the CFD trading account. And for better or worse, that is also the hardest part because it involves your own account balance. And every single CFD trader and CFD investor, especially if you have another full-time job and have a family, handles their (hard-earned) money differently. And that’s just as well. But this has to be taken into account as a general rule – everyone has to take it into account for themselves. Because account management is about deciding what position size to enter the market with – when to take profits – and when to limit losses. And how often you want to trade daily, weekly, monthly, every quarter, every year. You need good account management, just like good news navigation.

The problem that stands in the way of many CFD traders and CFD investors when implementing good account money management is always the same problem: no everyday master – let alone a plan for what you (don’t) have to do every day. Which is why I pay so much attention to the D2D Basics – especially if you do another job full-time (up to 8 hours a day). And that’s why your time frame and/or trading frame is so incredibly important. So that you can concentrate on news navigation every day. And or also refine your account management. But that’s easier to write than to do on a daily basis. And for that you need discipline. A hard word – which most people (un)consciously (un)intentionally intimidate. Because most people instinctively associate this with hard work, soldiers, and nothing voluntary. But if you exchange the word discipline with self-determination, then most people will lose weight – including my humble self. Because with account management you don’t just have to define the number of transactions beforehand. As well as entry price, target price and stop price. But rather the percentage share of each individual transaction in the total portfolio assets. And then maintain this even during the open transactions – implement it in a disciplined manner. And this is not only difficult for many CFD beginners, but also for working family people who go to work 8 hours a day and then become emotional when they look at their own CFD trading account every day. Normal! Who wants to simply lose their hard-earned money? And that’s why discipline – the implementation and adherence to not only your time frame (for everyday life) and especially your trading frame (during the daily 1 hour to 2 hours) is essential – necessary for survival. You simply have to resist the temptation to raise the target price or stop price even further – if greed gets the better of you. And or also to subsequently change the target price or stop price downwards – because you have to deal with fear. And it’s not that we misunderstand each other. These practices can certainly work well a few times. But it has nothing to do with being a professional, well-thought-out CFD professional. And that’s what account management is all about at this point – your trading framework. As a CFD professional you just have to accept that you will always have losses. And limiting these is the purpose of any good account management.

Doing good account management is not easy. Although the content of the trading framework is clear and detailed, as is often the case in life, it usually fails due to implementation. Which is why the D2D Basics start with the time frame so that you can master your everyday life first. In order to be able to build on this and concentrate on your CFD trading every day like a professional, with the help of your trading framework. Be disciplined and stick to the rules of your account management. Which you can give yourself below. Determine the number of transactions you want to make daily, weekly, monthly, every quarter, every year. Always use an entry price, target price and also stop price. And also define the percentage of the total portfolio value before each transaction. From now on, never trade again without good account management. And don’t let emotions influence your account management. In the case of your news navigation, i.e. the selection of what should perhaps be traded (buy/sell or do nothing), you can let your emotions run wild – before you analyze and evaluate, for example, the APPLE share or the USD index. Because if you carefully formulate the rules of your account management and follow them in a disciplined manner, this should increase your probability of winning. And that’s what account management is all about, your trading framework, your overarching time frame – the D2D basics. It’s all about increasing the probability of winning so that at the end of the day your winnings are always greater than your losses.

  • With The Help Of News Navigation You Determine WHAT You Trade

  • Thanks To Your Account Management, You Decide HOW You Trade WHAT

  • With The Help Of 3 Variables You Can Always Keep A Detailed Overview

  • Number Of Transactions (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly)

  • Define Entry Price, Target Price And/Or Stop Price In Advance

  • Percentage Share Of The Total CFD Trading Account Value

  • Stay Disciplined Daily – Autodidactically Self-Determined

No transaction without first defining the number of transactions, the entry and exit price including the stop price, or the position size of the transaction in % of the portfolio. Stick to it too! This is the essence, my essence (which I describe as 3 variables), especially in relation to derivatives trading, CFDs. And why you should definitely take a more fundamental look at Benjamin Graham. Yes, you should even study his published writings – that is, read, analyze and evaluate them. So that, based on this, you not only learn to organize your own money management by defining the 3 variables in such a way that you can deal with them naturally. Rather, the selection of securities is practiced pragmatically thanks to Benjamin Graham’s insights.

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

There Is Something Exciting
About Being Able To Master Your Own Everyday Life

And/Or To Know What (Not) To Do While Your CFD Daily Business
Sleeping, main job (usually up to 8 hours), hobby & free time (where you waste time with the family) – and then also dealing with WallStreet, the financial market, trading CFDs. That’s an above-average challenge – one that few take on. And this is exactly where I start! This is exactly why the time frame is so important! Even if others tell you otherwise. Just try it – and do it! Because using and/or implementing your self-determined time frame every day gives you the feeling that you always have a detailed overview. And that 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. And that every hour. The time frame is not an all-purpose key that opens every door for you – that is not its function or its use. No. Rather, the time frame gives you the feeling of knowing where you are and of having at least a detailed overview over time – every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Even if critics overestimate themselves and dismiss it with superficial intellectual insults. Organizing order in your life self-taught using your time frame, at least from now on, is a skill that anyone can acquire and is not that difficult to learn. But using the time frame as a part of your own life is, first and foremost, purely a matter of attitude. If you want it – and implement it – it’s no problem! Unless? Yes – it`s a problem! Thats why, organize your own self-determined time frame. And stick to it. Because if you don’t; then the people around you (un)consciously (un)intentionally do it. Which can also be described in terms of your trading framework. Therefore, take 1 hour to 2 hours a day and implement your detailed trading framework. And this day after day, week after week, month after month, quarter after quarter, year after year. Because only by repeating it every day will it become a habit in your everyday life – you will become a CFD professional. And that regardless of whether you want to act with the help of CFDs, on the financial market, on WallStreet, as a CFD trader and/or CFD investor. No more trading decisions (long/short or not trading) without prior News navigation. And/or also never ever without prior account management. That’s the purpose – the pragmatically useful way of my D2D Basics. Your new everyday life as a CFD professional.

Trading Framework
Trading Framework: News Navigation
Trading Framework: Account Management

Account Management
If you try to put into words everything you have to do, in terms of your CFD trading, in terms of your market participation in the financial market, in terms of your interest in WallStreet, you could autodidactically self-organize, if you want, anything between the two words “research” and/or “action”. Under the two terms „news navigation“ and/or also „account management“. With action and the corresponding account management, it’s about doing what we trade in a well-considered, structured manner. In other words our professionally CFD Daily Business. So having a basic idea – and then professionally implementing it – with the help of our Account management. Based on our previous research. Because of our news navigation. So, from now on at the latest, as professional CFD Traders, we will always define the number of transactions in advance with the help of our account management. Define our entry price, define our exit price, and/or define our target price, also. As well as the percentage of the transaction our our own CFD trading account. So that, thanks to our Trading Framework, our News navigation and/or account management, we always know what we (not) have to do, like a professional, from now on at latest. And I’m really proud of this insight, of this help for self-help. Proud in the sense that my clients who open a new CFD trading account all confirm to me that, thanks to the time frame and/or trading framework, they have actually become better CFD traders or CFD investors. And you can now also run your CFD daily business more professionally on a daily basis. And not least thanks to the account management. So that now you too – yes exactly you, yes I mean you, my interested reader – now understand why the time frame, the trading framework, including the NEs Navigationa as well as the account management, are so important. The origin of the account management rules is that potentially every one of your trading decisions (long/short or not trading), regardless of how correct your assumptions and how great your research was, can result in a loss or even a complete loss. And accordingly, your CFD trading account must be used in such a way that even several setbacks do not directly destroy all your capital and sensible and profitable trading remains possible. To put it briefly: The risk to your own invested capital must be known and appropriate precautions must be taken. As a CFD professional who mainly earns his money every day in another main job, your ultimate goal is to avoid losing any money if possible. If you do this, you will not be far from making a profit and will soon make some profits. So from now on you can take care of your account management. Determine the number of transactions in advance – so that you don’t trade too much or too little in everyday life. Before each transaction, also define your entry price, your target price and also your stop price. And in the case of each transaction, always only trade a certain percentage of your total portfolio value. Because in this way – and only in this way – your CFD trading, your market participation in the financial market, your interest in WallStreet does not become a gamble. But always just an expected calculation.

Your Everyday Life Will Only Ever Be Yours
If You Organize Your Time In An Autodidactism Manner

Other people, such as your wife, your parents, your children, your grandchildren, even maybe grandma and/or grandpa, as well as other family members, as well as other people, such as job colleagues, may try to influence your time frame. And/or try to decide about your time. But they do not have the right to do so. They can’t. And if? Then only because you allow it! Instead of believing that you don’t have time, that you don’t need a time frame, you should just try to determine a time frame for yourself. And stick to it for at least a week, preferably a month. Looking back, you won’t believe how pragmatically practical a time frame is. Of course you have obligations to do every day! Me too! But because you now have a detailed overview using your time frame every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you now have time every day for CFD trading, for the financial market, for WallStreet. All successful CFD traders and/or CFD investors that I know use my time frame and/or trading frame. Not all of us are born decision makers and sometimes making a trading decision (long/short or not trading) can be really – I mean really really – difficult. And that is exactly what makes the trading framework pragmatically useful. And that has to be implemented every day, during the 1h to 2h, in your CFD daily business. So that you can analyze and evaluate more confidently every day with the decision-making process, with your research, in the form of your news navigation. Because to make a decision, you have to rely on your critical thinking skills because you have to collect and analyze information and then decide whether to go long or short on a security using CFDs. Or, depending on the case, you don’t want to trade (long or short) at all.

With The Help Of News Navigation You Determine WHAT You Trade
When it comes to WallStreet, to participating in the financial market with the help of CFDs, every professional informs himself before he trades (long/short or not trading). What we can describe under the two terms news navigation and or account management. With the help of News Navigation you determine WHAT you trade. And thanks to your Account Management, you decide HOW you trade WHAT. Thats why, think carefully about where you are getting your information from. Because you only have 1 hour to 2 hours each day. Check your sources! Whether TV, Internet, daily newspapers or even weekly magazines? Only get information from sources you trust. And based on this, always do your own analysis and evaluation – before you make a trading decision (long/short or not trading) . That is the purpose of news navigation. Analyze and evaluate every piece of information. In order to then make a trading decision (long/short or not trading).

Thanks To Your Account Management, You Decide HOW You Trade WHAT
When it comes to WallStreet, to participating in the financial market with the help of CFDs, every professional informs himself before he trades (long/short or not trading). What we can describe under the two terms news navigation and or account management. With the help of News Navigation you determine WHAT you trade. And thanks to your Account Management, you decide HOW you trade WHAT. Therefore, never make a transaction again without prior research. Find out about the security, such as the APPLE share or the USD index, using other sources when you have made a trading decision (long/short or not trading). And from now on you will never trade again without 3 variables with which you can not only measure your CFD trading account at any time. No. With the help of the 3 variables (number of your transactions – entry price, exit price and stop price – percentage of each transaction in total assets) you can now maintain highly professional account management like a CFD professional. That is the purpose of news navigation.

With The Help Of 3 Variables You Can Always Keep A Detailed Overview
The 3 variables are: Number of transactions. Entry price, target price and/or stop price in advance. Percentage share of the total CFD Trading Account value. But dont understand me wrong – and/or except too much. This 3 variables are not rocket science, let alone a universal key that guarantees you profits. No. The pragmatically practical usefulness of the 3 variables lies in the fact that you will always know how high your capital is invested on the financial market with the help of CFDs on WallStreet. What, thanks to this detailed overview, will generally relax you – despite exciting price actions on every trading day.

Number Of Transactions (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly)
The 3 variables are: Number of transactions. Entry price, target price and/or stop price in advance. Percentage share of the total CFD Trading Account value. Defining the number of transactions in advance takes the pressure off you (not) having to act. And you have a goal in mind. Whether daily, weekly, monthly, every quarter, or even annually. The number of transactions does not play a major role. What is more important is that you first define a number – possibly for the first time in your life – and stick to it. In order to develop, cultivate, conservate something like a rhythm, like a continuity, like a habit – what then, sooner or later. more or less, also becomes your profession. And you become a CFD professional. Whether you are trying to be a CFD trader who wants to realize profits in the coming hoursor days, or as a CFD investor who wants to realize profits in the coming weeks or months. If you ask me, start with one transaction every day. Because in this way – and only in this way – you not only get a real feel for Wall Street, for the financial market, for CFDs. No. This gives you an immeasurable daily wealth of experience when it comes to your own news navigation and/or account management. And so you can “learn by doing” and improve yourself from day to day. And hopefully earn money while your new experience – with a new cfd trading account.

Define Entry Price, Target Price And/Or Stop Price In Advance
The 3 variables are: Number of transactions. Entry price, target price and/or stop price in advance. Percentage share of the total CFD Trading Account value. Defining the number of transactions in advance takes away the fear of losing too much of your CFD trading account. Let alone make you too greedy to win everything at once. It relaxes you – because you have already taken everything into account beforehand. And after executing the transaction, all you have to do is be patient. When you operate with CFDs, you always define the stop price first so that you can determine the number of CFDs. After you have previously defined the percentage of each transaction in the total portfolio value. When defining the entry price, the target price and also the stop price, it is important that you define it before each transaction and then stick to it. Even though, in retrospect, you might have been able to avoid fewer losses. Or perhaps profits have disappeared. What is more important is that for the time being – possibly for the first time in your life – you consistently stick to your entry price, target price and also stop price. In order to become something like a CFD calculator. And never (again) be tempted to find yourself as an (un)successful gambler. If you ask me, start with one transaction every day. A transaction every day – with an entry price, with a target price, with a stop price. So that you develop something like a rhythm, like a continuity, like a habit, to cultivate it, to conserve it – what then, sooner or later, more or less, also becomes your profession. And you can become a CFD professional. Whether you are trying yourself as a CFD trader who wants to realize profits in the coming hours or days. And/Or also as a CFD investor who wants to realize profits in the coming weeks or months. Because in this way – and only in this way – you not only get a real feel for Wall Street, for the financial market, for CFDs. No. This gives you an immeasurable daily wealth of experience when it comes to your own news navigation and account management. And so you can “learn by doing” and improve yourself from day to day. And hopefully earn money while your new experience – with a new cfd trading account.

Percentage Share Of The Total CFD Trading Account Value
The 3 variables are: Number of transactions. Entry price, target price and/or stop price in advance. Percentage share of the total CFD Trading Account value. And above all, the definition of the percentage of each transaction in the total portfolio value takes away the fear of losing too much of your CFD trading account. Let alone make you too greedy to win everything at once. It relaxes you incredibly positively – because you have already taken everything into account beforehand. You can only lose or win a small part of your entire CFD trading account. When you operate with CFDs, you always define the percentage of each transaction in your total portfolio value. And that even before you have defined an entry price, target price and/or stop price. When defining the percentage of each transaction in the total portfolio value, it is important that you define a basic size in advance. Even though, in retrospect, you might have been able to avoid fewer losses. Or perhaps profits have disappeared. What is more important is that for the time being – possibly for the first time in your life – you consistently only trade a certain percentage of your total portfolio value. In order to become something like a CFD calculator. And never (again) be tempted to find yourself as an (un)successful gambler. If you ask me, start with one transaction every day. A transaction every day – with an entry price, with a target price, with a stop price. And only with a maximum of 3% of your total CFD Trading Account every day. What gives yourself the opportunity to make up to 33 incorrect lost trading decisions before your CFD trading account is run down. And you meanwhile also develop something like a rhythm, like a continuity, like a habit, cultivate it, conserve it – which then, sooner or later, more or less, also becomes your profession. And you can become a CFD professional. Whether you are trying yourself as a CFD trader who wants to realize profits in the coming hours or days. And/Or also as a CFD investor who wants to realize profits in the coming weeks or months. Because in this way – and only in this way – you not only get a real feel for Wall Street, for the financial market, for CFDs. No. This gives you an immeasurable daily wealth of experience when it comes to your own news navigation and account management. And so you can “learn by doing” and improve yourself from day to day. And hopefully earn money while your new experience – with a new cfd trading account.

Stay Disciplined Daily – Autodidactically Self-Determined
If you have read and implemented all of my D2D Basics, then you will have both a time frame and a trading frame. With the help of the time frame you will become an everyday world champion. And this is independent of those around you – because you know what you (don’t) do every week, every day, 24 hours a day. And on top of that, you also autodidactically yourself for 1 hour to 2 hours a day. Where you can then run your CFD daily business, thanks to newly learned new navigation and/or even newly learned account management, like a CFD professional. If you ask me, start with one transaction every day. A transaction every day – with an entry price, with a target price, with a stop price. And only with a maximum of 3% of your total CFD Trading Account every day. What gives yourself the opportunity to make up to 33 incorrect lost trading decisions before your CFD trading account is run down. But do before your news navigation. Analyze what you want to trade and/or in what you want invest. Gather all available relevant information to stay competent. Find other contrarian analyzes that contradict you also. And make your after this News Navigation your Trading Decission: Long? Short? No Trading? Whether you are trying yourself as a CFD trader who wants to realize profits in the coming hours or days. And/Or also as a CFD investor who wants to realize profits in the coming weeks or months. Because in this way – and only in this way – you not only get a real feel for Wall Street, for the financial market, for CFDs. No. This gives you an immeasurable daily wealth of experience when it comes to your own news navigation and account management. And so you can “learn by doing” and improve yourself from day to day. And hopefully earn money while your new experience – with a new cfd trading account.

Because we humans, let alone financial market participants, do not trade rationally every 86,400 seconds a day, let alone during the trading hours of the security that we (not) have in our trading account, stochastic upward and downward movements arise, perceived rationally, of course reference to price actions. Therefore, it is more pragmatically practical to assume that the value of any security is always overbought or oversold! Or was it the other way around?

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

We spend a good third of our lives growing up, another third with our full-time job, and the third sleeping before we, in our so-called West, retire. Presumably the time of growing up – the time between the main job and the time spent sleeping – is perhaps the most productive time of all. Which was categorized under hobby & leisure in the time frame. And this is exactly where the rabbit, in the pepper, is buried. If you are the problem – you are the solution. In order to be able to carry out our CFD daily business professionally, we first have to organize 1 hour to 2 hours of time ourselves every day. So that we can carry out our CFD trading in the first place. And then with the help of our trading framework. Because what we do in the 1h to 2h of our CFD daily business affects everything and influences everything we do with the remaining hours of our lives. And regardless of what main job we pursue, we want to ensure the prosperity of our family. Because our work also affects our marriage or personal relationships – which have little to do with Wall Street. Every time I meet and talk to other financial market participants, I ask what you do for a living. Only a few confirmed to me that they can only make a living, or want to make a living, with CFD trading. I’m always surprised at how many people tell me about their job, which most of them like, but more or less have problems with managing everyday life. So, more or less looking back, everyone gave me a positive impression with regards to the D2D basics – the time frame and/or trading framework.

Organize your everyday life yourself in a self-taught manner – and take 1 hour to 2 hours per day. And stick to your trading framework – both your news navigation and your account management – to become a CFD pro by repeating daily, repeating weekly, repeating monthly, repeating quarterly, even repeating annually. By CFD professional I mean having both a time frame and a trading frame – even if the content differs from that of my humble self. So the way we, as professionals (who have other professional activities on a daily basis), behave throughout CFD trading. Because there are hardly any schools in which we learn how to (not) do something on Wall Street. Although more and more CFD online brokers have also come to the idea that it also benefits them if their account holders are more competent than not. Those who want to improve their everyday life and, above all, their CFD trading will benefit from the time frame and trading frame. Because I got to know many people in positions of responsibility on Wall Street who also always knew when they had something to do (not) privately or professionally. However, they all had one thing in common. It was the attitude towards professionalism. Exactly the skill that each of you had learned to use, whether you worked in a consulting company. Or they themselves had assets worth billions to manage. It is very likely that the ability of both your everyday life, with the help of a time frame, and your own profession, with the help of a trading framework, played a very important role.

We can be so many things if we only allow it. And or also have the corresponding competent personality. What we can now learn with the help of my D2D Basics and or your D2D training plan if we want. There is much more in each and every one of us than ever comes to light. And this regardless of what main job we do every day. Or whether we deal with WallStreet – or not. Because at this moment, as you are today, you already have more abilities, more potential than you ever realized. And now imagine what you will feel when you have already implemented your time frame and trading frame on a daily basis for weeks, months, quarters, even years. Now, at this very moment, paint a picture of yourself by naturally fulfilling your wildest, realistically optimistic expectations – by already being the CFD professional that you secretly always wanted to be. To ensure that this image does not remain a dream, let alone an imagined illusion, you must implement both your overarching time frame and your subordinate trading frame on a daily basis. Week after week, day after day, 24 hours a day, every single hour. Which shouldn’t be a problem since you decide everything yourself – all by yourself. Everything is up to you. So that the future image of a CFD professional is as tangible and real as possible today. It is practically pragmatically useful to imagine such an image of ourselves. Because it shows us the way, spurs us on, gives us strength and courage, gives us the strength and stamina to get up again tomorrow – and (not) do the right thing again. And from now on, at the latest, with the help of a time frame and/or trading framework. Admittedly, we will never become, let alone be, the CFD professional that is possible. Nevertheless, don’t let anyone make you feel guilty. Don’t feel guilty – or ashamed either. It’s better to optimize your time frame if you can’t manage your everyday life – until you can. Same with the trading framework. Optimize your trading framework – until you have better portfolio performance. And with the help of my humble self. By opening a new CFD trading account.

Wise, insightful words from a morally enlightened thinker: Heaven is still no longer above me after my father left us due to a short-term battle with cancer. I still feel abandoned by him since then. And I’m still as shocked as I was back then when I think about the fact that for a while, during my youth, I was perceived as a racist, even an anti-Semite. Which, in retrospect, turned out to be wrong; but the pain in me about this still exists when I think about it. Don`t you have not also lived through experiences like this? Therefore, stay morally clean, stick to the formal legal laws that exist – and do the right thing! And that even thanks wise, insightful words from a morally enlightened thinker, like Kant.

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

About the Author

Marko Horvat

I do not only ensure that you will easily receive all of our DEVISE 2 DAY information provided via the Internet. No - much more also that all what we provide to you can be read with any what about in words, numbers and/or images by anyone interested with the help of the wonder of the internet. If you have any questions, please contact me immediately.

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