
There are different methods, techniques and terms (that describe a certain approach) to learn something. For a better understanding, I would like to begin by briefly discussing the terms externally controlled learning, self-directed learning, self-responsible learning, and/or autodidactic learning. So that we don’t talk past each other. But actually be informed in this way by me; how I imagine it – how I want it too. So it is then only up to you whether you read, analyze and/or evaluate all the information I have provided – or not. Therefore, at this point I’m making a small attempt to clarify the term so that we don’t talk about different realities (i.e. verbally constructed apparent realities). But obviously actually about the same thing.

Externally Controlled Learning
With externally controlled learning, you hand over responsibility to a teacher, a coach, a trainer, who then bears the main responsibility for ensuring that you learn something.

Self-Directed Learning
Self-directed learning is, if I can describe it like that, learning “on a long leash”: one’s own learning activities are planned and carried out on one’s own initiative, but one can rely on the benevolent eye of the teacher, a coach, one trainers, rests on us.

Self-Responsible Learning
With self-responsible learning, you take more responsibility for your own learning by determining the content yourself. But always with a teacher, with a coach, and also with a trainer.

Autodidactic Learning
Autodidactic learning can be understood as self-responsible learning on one’s own initiative. If you want, with self-taught learning, we take on the role not only of the student but also of the teacher, the coach, the trainer. We are, if you like, player trainers, my sports friends. And that also as a CFD trader and/or CFD investor, if you like.

You are your own coach, own teacher, own headcoach, and/or own player, own pupils.
This means that in the beginning you learn alone. For us CFD traders and/or also CFD investors, in our case my D2D Basics that I have formulated. And or also the BROKER basics. That’s just the beginning – just the basics. Because once you have acquired the basic knowledge, understand it, you no longer have any fundamental questions – in your relationship with yourself (as a CFD trader and/or CFD investor), in your relationship with other financial market participants (as a CFD trader and/or but also CFD investor), and/or also in the relationship to price action (as a CFD trader and or also CFD investor) – the autodidactism learning is just beginning. Because my D2D Basic learning content, and/or the BROKER Basic learning content, are just the anchor. The port of your new old knowledge about the financial markets, the wallstreet, the CFD trading. Like in driving school when you got your driver’s license! Do you still remember that? This is intended to help you, from now on, to master the large and/or small waves of price action on your own responsibility in the ocean of the financial market price actions. Which is why my daily D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper also has an important function. Because as an autodidactic learner you need a discussion or sparring partner, a content expert, a learning consultant or coach. A daily trainer, if you will. Just my D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. Because I take not only on the role of publisher and/or editor, if you want. No, much more the role of teacher, coach, trainer too, if you want it also. By formulating a new D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper edition every day – and based on that you then implement my 4XSetUps Trading Capabilities (or not). So that from now on, starting tomorrow, every trading day, you can learn to practically and pragmatically implement the knowledge you have just acquired on a daily basis. By retaining overall responsibility for your own learning while reading, analyzing and/or evaluating my D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper: From now on, once you have understood the text I just formulated, you are no longer just one CFD trader and/or also CFD investor. You are now a self-taught learner! Whether you want that or not? Do not kidding yourself anymore?! So don’t you fool those around you anymore?! Are you no longer fooling the world?! From now on you are your own learning general contractor when it comes to learning. Students and other people but also teachers in one person; player coach, my sports friend.

No transaction without first defining the number of transactions, the entry and exit price including the stop price, or the position size of the transaction in % of the portfolio. Stick to it too! This is the essence, my essence (which I describe as 3 variables), especially in relation to derivatives trading, CFDs. Because by defining the number of your transactions in advance (for the day, the week, the month, the quarter, the year) you not only discipline yourself. No, you will no longer get bogged down in too many transactions, let alone too few.

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

What Does Autodidactism Mean?
An autodidact is a person who acquires and/or has acquired their own knowledge
without the help of an another person (like a coach, trainer, and/or teacher) or participation in a class.
Everything works by learning certain methods and/or techniques, such as observing, imitating, reading, researching and refining. This self-study is distinguished from university studies because neither formal requirements are required, let alone it is structured in any way from the outside, i.e. by a second person. Only the drive of the autodidact determines to what extent and at what speed certain skills are acquired. Which is why I always like to talk about help for self-help. And you are also available at this point. Because if you think fundamentally about us humans, about being human itself – and that regardless of the current price action on WallStreet. Then everyone quickly realizes that before modernity, every person – including you, yes you, I mean exactly you – was to a certain extent an autodidact and or maybe even today. Apart from the guild system and university studies, there was no institutionalized education such as the school system today. If the father was a construction worker, (at least the eldest) son also became a construction worker – if the grandfather was a farmer, the father also became a farmer. Free career choice as we know it today has not only existed in my home country of Germany, where I was born in 1978, but only since the 19th century. And there has been interest in something since time immemorial, as in our case now specifically in CFD trading. And that despite having a full-time job of more or less eight hours that you do every day to earn a living. Each individual always had to teach themselves the knowledge they were interested in first, self-taught! Before he passed his knowledge on to others. If any?

Are Autodidacts More Intelligent?
One question that divides opinion is that of intelligence – competence.
Of course, there are self-taught people, even autodidacts, who are more intelligent and/or more competent than the average. Just like there are non-intelligent, non-competent people. In my personal opinion, it’s a question of learning style; and at this point I don’t want to question other learning styles besides self-taught. Let alone contrast it with self-taught learning. The fact that reading, analyzing and/or evaluating certain texts, helps every interested person, as in our case with CFD trading, should by no means be questioned. Being self-taught primarily says something about the method and access to knowledge, but not about how intelligent and successful you are. In our case, the question of success depends not least on how well you implement my D2D Basics and/or all BROKER Basics in your training plan on a daily basis. Because the success of self-taught learning, like any other learning style, in relation to price action on Wall Street, can, at least in my opinion, be measured by the development of every one’s own portfolio value. Has your CFD trading account increased since you started putting my D2D Basics into practice? After you have read, analyzed and/or evaluated all learning content of the BROKER Basics? This is the only standard that I consider to be valid in relation to self-taught learning on WallStreet, by using CFDs. And why you should open a second new CFD trading account after after you go through your D2D training plan.

Knowledge Is Increasing, Thanks To The Wonder Of The Internet
– So Read My Daily Published D2D Financial Market Online Newspaper

Nowadays, knowledge is present and available to a completely different extent,
so that specialization – also about the financial markets, the wallstreet, cfd trading – is often necessary.
Firstly, in the form of breaking down individual viewpoints – from various perspectives of numerous specialists (such as central bankers, oil economists, financial market participants, other observers, and or even technical analysts). And on the other hand, putting the individual pieces of the puzzle back together so as not to lose sight of the big picture in the stress of everyday life. And that’s where I see the great benefit, the meaning and purpose of my D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. Especially for self-taught people who do other professional activities every day. To secure their livelihood. Like the most of us – who tried to make some dollars on wallstreet. Because nowadays it is easier to be self-taught, as there is now hardly a household that does not have an internet connection. Much of the knowledge is freely available. This is both an opportunity and/or a problem. Because there is no upstream authority on the Internet that separates or at least identifies relevant from irrelevant, factually incorrect from correct knowledge. Which is why your D2D training plan, based on the implementation of the D2D Basics, requires you to read, analyze and/or evaluate the BROKER Basics. Because in the BROKER Basics you can rely on the basic knowledge of employees of the 9 CFD online brokers houses, who have already proven their expertise for over a decade. And all of them, like my humble self, have built a reputation over the years. So that both learning contents (D2D Basics and/or BROKER Basics) will certainly ensure that your competence in relation to the financial market, in relation to price action on WallStreet, with the help of CFDs, increases to a higher level and will be reflected on a broader level.

Show Interest
Curiosity is the driving force behind all self-taught people. Even before knowledge. Because knowledge comes after reading, analyzing and evaluating. And that’s when you pursue your curiosity on your own initiative. You may have had poor performance with your trading account in the past, but fundamentally there is a desire and interest to do better in the future.

Acquire Theory
It’s not just about knowing the theoretical basics, but also about understanding how to implement them pragmatically in everyday life. That’s why the order is so important: D2D Basics and then BROKER Basics. Especially if you have often traded an entire trading account to zero. Don’t be afraid to try again – using new tools. I report on this from my own experience. Because only through experience, pragmatically implemented theoretical knowledge, as in D2D Basics and/or BROKER Basics, can the old trading account become the new CFD trading account in the form of the right trading decisions (buy/sell or no trade). Can a surplus be preserved.

Find A Routine
If you seriously want to learn something, you can’t avoid a certain amount of self-discipline, even if you’re self-taught. It forms the basis for you to acquire knowledge not as strictly as at school, but continuously. My D2D Basics are my help for self-help so that you can learn to manage your everyday life in a highly professional manner. While the BROKER Basics simultaneously strengthen your fundamental competence. A certain routine is helpful for this – for example, setting aside an hour every day. For example, to read, analyze and/or evaluate the BROKER Basics in the first half hour. To acquire basic skills. And in the second half hour to find out about the current price action on Wall Street in the form of my D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper.

Seek Exchange
Being self-taught does not mean completely cutting yourself off from everything. Only during the 1h to 2h hours of the day. Otherwise, everyday life remains as before – including in your case. Yes, I mean you – exactly you. Nothing major will change for you – only that in the 1h to 2h (possibly for the first time) you will learn to deal professionally, pragmatically and structurally with WallStreet, with CFD trading. The D2D Basics and/or BROKER Basics will also make it easier for you to communicate regularly with other financial market participants. Because without thinking too much about it, over time – not after a day, a week, or even a month, but certainly after a few quarters – you will become more competent and competent.

The state fiscal policy of every country leads the way for the private economy of every nation, every kingdom, every country, every currency area. Because the fiscal policy leadership of any social order is the largest market maker, the largest broker. And thus mainly finances the monetary material prosperity of every society. Which is why a fiscal policy can also be described as a (not) civilized profitable event manager for his own taxpayers, if I may formulate an analogy. In such a way that as many taxpayers as possible can buy what they want on their own. And be able to finance what they need to live in a healthy, peaceful, self-confident and free society.

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

Knowledge And Skills Can Be Acquired In A Variety Of Ways
The D2D Training Plan Only Provides Competent Help For Self-Help
– For The WallStreet, For The Participation On The Financial Market, With The Help Of CFDs

In addition to imparting knowledge at school, training, studying or through traditional further training, self-taught learning is another way to expand your own knowledge. And since there are hardly any opportunities to find out about price action on WallStreet in (un)specific institutes, you can now find out on this homepage, in the form of your D2D training plan, how self-taught learning works and what the advantages and disadvantages are involves self-taught further training for CFD trading. With the help of self-help, namely the implementation of your D2D training plan, you become an autodidact, a teacher and/or a learner at the same time. I put together the topics and learning content for you independently, including the type of learning. Which you can of course optimize independently if necessary and even change if you want. Most of us have acquired self-taught skills at some point. Because there is no school for trading on WallStreet, let alone CFD trading on the financial market. One person may have read up on the economic expertise of various economists. While another has adopted methods from legendary traders. And a third party may not want to know anything about it – and is only interested in optimizing its technical analysis and technical indicators. Yes, even in fully automated trading. In principle, it is possible to acquire relevant knowledge through self-taught training for almost every area of ​​Wall Street, the financial market and/or CFD trading. So that, in retrospect, a hobby during your free time, not in a year or two, but possibly in a decade or two, may have become a lucrative business!?

One of the biggest fears of us men, of us big boys, is always that the other person is not as morally clean as I am, nor is he, is she, as formally and legally clean as I am. And that’s why I also don’t act in a morally clean manner, let alone from a formal legal point of view. At least that was and is the great realization of my modest self, in my mid-40s – looking back on my teenage years, looking back on my childhood! Not yours? Which is why I like to call us big boys, big girls: because we have emotionally left our childhood and adolescence behind us, because we have learned our lessons and found ourselves – and therefore we still (un)consciously (un)want to be like ourselves children, like teenagers, feel more like-minded in the present.

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

About the Author

Marko Horvat

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