It goes without saying that people are sleeping, and it’s not just us who are interested in CFD traders, financial market participants and WallStreet. On the one hand, all of our sleep is shaped by the natural day-night rhythm and our own internal biological clock. Just like flowers open their blossoms with the sunrise in the morning. While bats, for example, retreat into dark caves and become active again at night. In addition, there are also the historical evolutionary natural enemies of humans such as saber-toothed tigers and/or lions. Which were usually also diurnal mammals. Protecting yourself from them may have required a lot of energy throughout human history. So the nights were probably used to hide from smaller nocturnal predators, to withdraw, to remain motionless and to shut down the body into an energy-saving mode. In order to charge the personal subjective individual battery – life energy; if I can describe it so simply. However, power saving mode is not the main reason why we sleep through a third of our lives. Sleep has been shown to have numerous functions that are important for our survival. I researched the following on the Internet. And you can also confirm this based on your own experience: physical regeneration through the release of growth hormones. Breakdown of harmful, pathogenic substances. Processing daily experiences. Forgetting the unimportant. Consolidation and connection of what has been learned. Strengthening the immune system.
Basically, there are a few classic rules for good sleep. What I have also read in numerous books on the Internet. But numerous Christian pastors, as well as Jewish rabbis, also agreed with me during my research or confirmed the important restorative role of sleep time during our lives. All of them considered sleep to have a cleansing, hygienic function, even divine happiness. Which is why, in relation to the D2D basics, I start with sleep time, before work time, and our hobbies and leisure time. Because sleep time, like any other classic hygiene, such as thorough hand washing, ensures that you protect your health. Which is why I want to give you three basic pieces of information about sleep time. Which do not have anything directly to do with your CFD trading, with your financial market participation, with WallStreet. But indirectly it will help you more than you can imagine today. Because in the future you will be able to cope with your everyday life much more relaxed, thanks to your time frame, thanks to your sleep time. Because you can put some new information into practice in a self-taught, self-organized way – if you want.
No transaction without first defining the number of transactions, the entry and exit price including the stop price, or the position size of the transaction in % of the portfolio. Stick to it too! This is the essence, my essence (which I describe as 3 variables), especially in relation to derivatives trading, CFDs. And why you should definitely take a more fundamental look at Benjamin Graham. Yes, you should even study his published writings – that is, read, analyze and evaluate them. So that, based on this, you not only learn to organize your own money management by defining the 3 variables in such a way that you can deal with them naturally. Rather, the selection of securities is practiced pragmatically thanks to Benjamin Graham’s insights.
Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«
There Is Something Exciting
About Being Able To Master Your Own Everyday Life
Sleeping, main job (usually up to 8 hours), hobby & free time (where you waste time with the family) – and then also dealing with WallStreet, the financial market, trading CFDs. That’s an above-average challenge – one that few take on. And this is exactly where I start! This is exactly why the time frame is so important! Even if others tell you otherwise. Just try it – and do it! Because using and/or implementing your self-determined time frame every day gives you the feeling that you always have a detailed overview. And that 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. And that every hour. The time frame is not an all-purpose key that opens every door for you – that is not its function or its use. No. Rather, the time frame gives you the feeling of knowing where you are and of having at least a detailed overview over time – every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Even if critics overestimate themselves and dismiss it with superficial intellectual insults. Organizing order in your life self-taught using your time frame, at least from now on, is a skill that anyone can acquire and is not that difficult to learn. But using the time frame as a part of your own life is, first and foremost, purely a matter of attitude. If you want it – and implement it – it’s no problem! Unless? Yes – it`s a problem! Thats why, organize your own self-determined time frame. And stick to it. Because if you don’t; then the people around you (un)consciously (un)intentionally do it.
Time Frame
Time Frame: Bed Time
Time Frame: Working Hours
Time Frame: Hobby & Leisure
Time Frame: Hobby & Leisure – Daily CFD Business
Time Frame: Bed Time
In our so called western society; As we cultivate and preserve a healthy, peaceful, self-confident and free life with each other and/or next to each other, we normally spend 8 hours a day sleeping, 8 hours working (including school, and other further education institutes), and/or also have 8 hours of Hobby & Leisure time. Where we then waste time with our favorite fellow human beings – with our family. Although we spend about a third of our lives sleeping, humanity has not yet agreed on why people sleep at all. Both religious scholars and scientists know that sleep is vital and that one cannot live without it. Are you trying to survive without sleep? That’s it! Because no other living being sleeps as deeply and/or soundly as humans. Although the body lies defenseless, as if paralyzed, in an unconscious state during sleep, our brain, even our subconscious, remains highly active. And processed, if I’m mistaken, from observation, analysis and/or evaluation of my experience when it comes to sleeping, experiencing everything again. Sleep functions as an imaginary toilet in which we process everything imaginary. Which is why it’s not just the duration of sleep that matters, but also the quality of sleep. What everyone can clarify for themselves; by being honest with yourself about the length and/or quality of sleep. It is entirely possible to sleep for a short time and still have a good night’s sleep, or for a long time and a bad one, because everyone reacts differently. However, most people show cognitive impairment after just one bad night and experience serious losses after several bad nights that are comparable to negative drug use. Therefore, be aware of your sleep time. Because a healthy, peaceful, confident, regular sleep frees you from many of your everyday worries.
Your Everyday Life Will Only Ever Be Yours
If You Organize Your Time In An Autodidactism Manner
Other people, such as your wife, your parents, your children, your grandchildren, even maybe grandma and/or grandpa, as well as other family members, as well as other people, such as job colleagues, may try to influence your time frame. And/or try to decide about your time. But they do not have the right to do so. They can’t. And if? Then only because you allow it! Instead of believing that you don’t have time, that you don’t need a time frame, you should just try to determine a time frame for yourself. And stick to it for at least a week, preferably a month. Looking back, you won’t believe how pragmatically practical a time frame is. Of course you have obligations to do every day! Me too! But because you now have a detailed overview using your time frame every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you now have time every day for CFD trading, for the financial market, for WallStreet. All successful CFD traders and/or CFD investors that I know use my time frame and/or trading frame. Even if now – since we have known each other for years – only imaginary. They have their time frame, as well as their trading frame, memorized in their head, in their imagination, in their thinking cloud. And they can access it for theirself at any time if they want. Like my humble self, of course, too. Because the recipe for success of the time frame is that you simply know how to use your time well from now on. And that is not a gift, not a myth, let alone coincidence or luck. No. It is the result of your attitude and/or realization of your autodidactism self-determined time frame. But that takes practice. So start early next monday. Because through daily practice and daily realization of your time frame, you develop the ability to master your everyday life. And on top of that, spend 1 hour to 2 hours in a highly professional manner with Wall Street, with the financial market, with CFD trading.
Daily Good Sleep Starts With A Healthy Lifestyle
Regular sport or other physical activity has a positive effect on sleep because it exhausts the body and increases the pressure to sleep. Personally, I love going to the gym. As with CFD trading, on the financial market, on Wall Street, I don’t care about shining in comparison with others. Because you can always find someone else in the gym or on WallStreet who has a better or worse body. Just like on WallStreet, which has a large as well as a small trading account. Which is why from now on you should only concentrate on yourself and what you can influence when trading CFDs using the time frame and trading framework. Just like in the gym, balance your own body and mind. But without ignoring others in the gym – just like with CFD trading. Sometimes you can even make true friendships. You should only avoid high-performance sport shortly before going to sleep, as I have found that it activates the body and stress hormones. This rule can be applied to any type of strong physical and mental exertion. During these phases of performance, the body activates all important body systems and then needs a certain amount of time to shut down again. That’s why you should gradually reduce strenuous activities about 2 or 3 hours before going to bed. This can be achieved by introducing a personal sleep ritual. Incidentally, sexual activity does not count as high-performance sport and is generally considered to promote sleep. Which I think most of my followers can confirm! Or? Be that as it may, without wanting to offend you, there are some sleep hygiene rules in the bedroom that will lead to better sleep. It is important to create a pleasant atmosphere that invites you to sleep. On the one hand, this includes setting a pleasant room temperature. You should also make sure to create a spatial separation between the working and sleeping areas. Bright light in the evening (e.g. from cell phone or computer screens) should be avoided. However, light – especially natural daylight – is helpful for waking up in the morning.
Your Own Bed Is Only Ever There For Sleeping
Of course, a good exercise in the context of hygienic sleeping time is the bed. The aim of the exercise is to always associate the bed with sleep and/or sexual satisfaction with your own wife! For what else? Most people, in our civilized, so-called Western society, never take the time to think about it in principle. Let alone think this through to the end. The goal is pragmatically useful in order to (re)link the bed with its original function of sleeping. And that therefore includes refraining from non-sleep activities in bed. Watching TV, working, eating or similar should only be done outside of bed. If you wake up at night and lie awake for a long time, you should get out of bed and instead do something pleasant and calming. For example, you can watch news about Wall Street on TV in the living room. And or also read other newsletters about CFD trading, in addition to my D2D. And then do this until you are tired enough to go to bed and fall asleep. The bed should only be used for sleeping and should only be used when you are very tired. So that you fall asleep hygienically – and wake up healthy, peaceful, self-confident and/or free.
A Regular Sleep-Wake Rhythm Is Beneficial
Another part of hygienic sleep time relates to the regularity of your sleep. The more consistent your sleep rhythm, the easier it is for the body to get tired at the right time. Which is why the first thing you enter into your time frame is sleep time. In order to ensure a balanced, detailed overview of everyday life – and to be able to master everyday life. In order to achieve this, it is important to always get up at the same time in the morning, regardless of how long you have slept. If possible, this rhythm should also be maintained on weekends to make it easier for the body to adjust to a regular sleep pattern.
So make rules for yourself and stick to them: If you don’t have success with your rules? Then change the rules! Such as: no transaction without first defining the number of transactions, the entry and exit price including the stop price, or even the position size of the transaction in % of the portfolio. Because with the help of these 3 variables, the current price action, every day, including today, becomes secondary for you. Because you will always know how much profit or loss you will realize if you stick to your rules, to your 3 self-determined variables.
Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«
Now that you have autodidactically organized your time frame yourself – your sleeping time, your work time, and or even your free time and hobbies – it is important to cultivate this. To preserve it daily. Implement your time frame weekly, daily, even hourly, also pragmatically and in a practical, useful way. But don’t imagine that WallStreet, the financial market, the other CFD traders are waiting for you – have been waiting for you. And not because other people are evil – or want something bad for you. No! Every person has their own personal, subjective experiences to work through – and/or also has different values and world views. So you should assume that only very few will help you with the implementation of your time frame and trading frame. And that’s why I want to help you help yourself – because I don’t want to and can’t do more than show you how it can work if you want it and implement it. This simple, banal insight is actually not worth mentioning – but it has enormous consequences, as I learned from a non-fiction author, entrepreneur coach, and/or trainer for psychopathology and clinical hypnosis. And since I have been privately involved in the field of human behavior for as long as I can remember, I still come across people today who, in relation to Wall Street, in relation to their market participation in the financial market, in relation to their CFD trading , at the end of wisdom, because the day is only 24 hours a day. And here the rabbit lies buried in the pepper. If you are the problem – you are the solution. And this is independent of the fact that someone close to you is so negative that it is difficult for you to realize your time frame weekly, daily, 24 a day, every hour.
I had the opportunity to observe many CFD traders, financial market participants, WallStreet, who were willing to try anything to balance their everyday life, their job, and their CFD trading. And thanks to my help with self-help, you learned to organize your own time frame in order to master your everyday problems even better. I’ve seen how your time frame made you more confident – without you even realizing it. Once I met a CFD trader friend again after a year after I presented him with my time frame. To find out if it works – before I go public with it. He didn’t even notice how more self-confident, relaxed and relaxed he now communicated with me in my presence. It wasn’t until I asked him about the time frame that he couldn’t stop grinning. But please don’t get me wrong! The time frame is also not a final solution. However, I have found that some remarkable changes can be achieved with the help of your self-organized, autodidactic time frame if you – yes, I mean you, yes, you, exactly you – no longer see yourself as a victim of your everyday life. Refuse to accept the negative attitudes of other people – and stick to your time frame. To your trading framework. But you have to make the decision to do this. Because neither you, let alone me, can help a third person make your everyday life, your CFD trading, even better. Therefore help for self-help. Neither you nor I can help another CFD trader self-taught to organize your time frame if we allow ourselves to be influenced by someone else’s negative attitude. You are the problem – the solution. Because I have also learned, based on my good (almost naive) will, that if you want to help your fellow human beings, or if I want to stay away from the negative attitudes of individual people, the first thing I should do is sweep in front of my own door. And we now do this using our time frame – and or also trading frame. And self-taught, self-determined.
I traded two of my trading accounts down to almost zero after depositing a three-digit sum once. I also traded a three-figure sum into a five-figure sum. Believe me, I have learned my lessons. And I have discovered that it really gives me joy when other CFD dealers, financial market participants, come back to me and confirm that, thanks to my humble person, their trading account now has even better performance. Which satisfies me enormously – like a trainer, like a teacher. Who himself, during his time as a player or even a student, didn’t do the best back then. But today – at 45 years old – everything is worth it, as they say here in my home country of Germany. And he has become an intelligent, no, wise, trainer, teacher. Especially for people who have a full-time job during the day to secure their livelihood. And beyond that, you still want to get involved with Wall Street, with the financial market, with CFD trading. Because if a person like you, with the help of the time frame, becomes a positive person in everyday life, the people around you will witness an amazing development. Because if you organize your everyday life yourself in an autodidactic way and now design it with the help of your time frame, this process is often similar to the process when a caterpillar goes through a metamorphosis and finally becomes a beautiful butterfly. You have spent a year pragmatically practically usefully in the gym. However, the crucial enormous difference of such a change of attitude to the positive in everyday life, with the help of your time frame, is that we are not just observing a butterfly on a branch, but that we are the bodybuilder of our future, to a certain extent. And thus the entire future of every single person changes – weekly, daily, 24 hours a day, every hour.
A good will is the expression of a good personality. But without qualification, good will is of no use – as nothing will be achieved. That’s why I always like to use, not just on WallStreet, on the financial market, in relation to CFDs, the term: competence. Because it is always the competence that knows how to organize a thought, an idea, something materialized and/or also people in motion. Because competent personalities understand how to transform the connection between knowledge and skills into results when dealing with demands for action. Competent personalities are fellow human beings who can willingly implement currently required actions on the basis of knowledge, skills and abilities.
Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«