Daily CFD Business

If you’ve read everything related to your time frame in the D2D Basics, you already know that almost everything we do – who have a job during the day and also deals with WallStreet, with the financial market, with the CFD trading, want to keep busy – describe it as everyday stress, it was only a problem because we hadn’t organized ourselves beforehand. Our previous problems were often the result of our own lack of organization – in terms of our sleeping time, our working time, and or even during our hobbies and free time. That’s why, from your own experience, and most likely also based on your experience, it is extremely important to first organize your everyday life in a self-taught, self-determined way. So that we understand problems such as worries, stress, let alone depression – i.e. not knowing what to do (and getting stuck in doing nothing) – and the so-called limits in everyday life as natural challenges in our everyday life. And then master them accordingly either during sleep time, during work time, and or also during our hobbies and free time. We all have problems – more or less! I as well! No question. But how you perceive problems in your everyday life always depends on how you have learned to deal with everyday problems! If any? And here I see the decisive advantage of the time frame. Which is why two CFD traders, financial market participants who deal with Wall Street, even if they are otherwise very similar, cope with their everyday lives in very different ways. If you have organized a time frame yourself – or not.

How fulfilling our everyday lives could be if we only had the will and ability to master our everyday lives. Sleep well at night – manage your main job every day – and waste time with your family while enjoying your hobbies and leisure time. Only a few people seem to be able to do all the important things in everyday life every day, be happy about it, and still have time left over for Wall Street, for the financial market, for CFD trading. And yet most people could learn to master their everyday lives – if they had a time frame. If you are one of those people who want to master your everyday life, you are not the only one. With the help of the time frame it is possible – and then concentrate on CFD trading, on the financial market, on Wall Street for 1 hour to 2 hours every day. But to do this you must first be willing to get rid of your current habits. And exchange it with a new one that is pragmatically practical and useful – with your self-taught, self-determined time frame. And believe me: Nothing is more effective than deciding to set a time frame – and sticking to it every week, every day, 24 hours a day, every hour.

The enormous commitment of our time is the result of your self-taught, self-determined time frame. The beauty and success of your everyday life will almost always depend on or be determined by how well you know how to use your time. Formulating a self-taught, self-determined time frame and then sticking to it actually means that you are setting the right priorities. And from now on you always know when you have to do something (or not): sleep time, work time, and/or hobbies and leisure time. And in your freely available time, during your hobbies and free time, you now have to take 1 to 2 hours of time every day. To take 1 hour to 2 hours of time every day to then concentrate on CFD trading, on the financial market, on Wall Street, regardless of everyday stress. Because if we deliberately set aside 1 hour to 2 hours of time every day for CFD trading, and during this time, regardless of our everyday stress, we concentrate only on the financial market, on Wall Street, this should not only increase our probability of winning. No. It will also greatly improve our quality of life. And that increases our probability of winning again! Or? That’s why the goal of the time frame is, on the one hand, to get everyday life organized in an autodidactic, self-determined manner. In order to be able to take 1 hour to 2 hours a day for WallStreet, for the financial market, for CFD trading. And that without our sleep, our full-time job (which we use to finance our living), let alone our family suffering.

  • How Much Time Should I Take For My Daily CFD Business?

  • When Is The Best Time I Can Take For My Daily CFD Business?

  • Why Should I Always Do My Daily CFD Business At The Same Time?

It is the fear of fear that drives prices higher and higher. So the fear that the current price is still too cheap today – tomorrow, in the future, will still be. And I’m not long or short! This fear is palpable when you have learned to be honest with yourself. When you have learned to honestly follow price action. Once you have learned to recognize the difference between your own perception of price actions and/or the relationship of the majority of other market participants with regard to price actions. What most people try to rationalize with the help of technical analysis as well as fundamental analysis in order to be able to profit even in such bull market phases.

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

There Is Something Exciting
About Being Able To Master Your Own Everyday Life

Sleeping, main job (usually up to 8 hours), hobby & free time (where you waste time with the family) – and then also dealing with WallStreet, the financial market, trading CFDs. That’s an above-average challenge – one that few take on. And this is exactly where I start! This is exactly why the time frame is so important! Even if others tell you otherwise. Just try it – and do it! Because using and/or implementing your self-determined time frame every day gives you the feeling that you always have a detailed overview. And that 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. And that every hour. The time frame is not an all-purpose key that opens every door for you – that is not its function or its use. No. Rather, the time frame gives you the feeling of knowing where you are and of having at least a detailed overview over time – every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Even if critics overestimate themselves and dismiss it with superficial intellectual insults. Organizing order in your life self-taught using your time frame, at least from now on, is a skill that anyone can acquire and is not that difficult to learn. But using the time frame as a part of your own life is, first and foremost, purely a matter of attitude. If you want it – and implement it – it’s no problem! Unless? Yes – it`s a problem! Thats why, organize your own self-determined time frame. And stick to it. Because if you don’t; then the people around you (un)consciously (un)intentionally do it.

Time Frame
Time Frame: Bed Time
Time Frame: Working Hours
Time Frame: Hobby & Leisure
Time Frame: Hobby & Leisure – Daily CFD Business

CFD Trading
In our so called western society; As we cultivate and preserve a healthy, peaceful, self-confident and free life with each other and/or next to each other, we normally spend 8 hours a day sleeping, 8 hours working (including school, and other further education institutes), and/or also have 8 hours of Hobby & Leisure time. Where we then waste time with our favorite fellow human beings – with our family. And now it’s important to take 1 hour to 2 hours out of this time for CFD trading, for the financial market, for Wall Street. Like a professional – who does his job at a certain time every day. Taking 1 hour to 2 hours a day to trade CFDs reads and/or sounds probably irrelevant, almost banal. But it is not. More than half, almost three quarters of all CFD traders, as well as ordinary shareholders, lose their money with the help of CFDs on the financial market, on Wall Street. And I found that hardly any of they had a time frame. Let alone a trading framework. And right here the rabbit is buried in the pepper. This is where I see my benefit for you. The meaning and purpose of my D2D Basics. This is despite the fact that a time frame and then corresponding trading framework do not guarantee you profits. But it certainly makes it more likely. Your chance of winning increases – because you have better organized your everyday life with the help of your time frame. And from now on, you can only concentrate on CFD trading, on the financial market, on WallStreet at a certain point in time every day. Because that is the purpose of your time frame. Take 1 hour to 2 hours of time every day to organize yourself like a pro. In order to then only focus on Wall Street, the financial market, and CFD trading in a highly professional manner (with the help of your trading framework).

Your Everyday Life Will Only Ever Be Yours
If You Organize Your Time In An Autodidactism Manner

Other people, such as your wife, your parents, your children, your grandchildren, even maybe grandma and/or grandpa, as well as other family members, as well as other people, such as job colleagues, may try to influence your time frame. And/or try to decide about your time. But they do not have the right to do so. They can’t. And if? Then only because you allow it! Instead of believing that you don’t have time, that you don’t need a time frame, you should just try to determine a time frame for yourself. And stick to it for at least a week, preferably a month. Looking back, you won’t believe how pragmatically practical a time frame is. Of course you have obligations to do every day! Me too! But because you now have a detailed overview using your time frame every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you now have time every day for CFD trading, for the financial market, for WallStreet. All successful CFD traders and/or CFD investors that I know use my time frame and/or trading frame. Even if now – since we have known each other for years – only imaginary. They have their time frame, as well as their trading frame, memorized in their head, in their imagination, in their thinking cloud. And they can access it for theirself at any time if they want. Like my humble self, of course, too. Because the recipe for success of the time frame is that you simply know how to use your time well from now on. And that is not a gift, not a myth, let alone coincidence or luck. No. It is the result of your attitude and/or realization of your autodidactism self-determined time frame. But that takes practice. So start early next monday. Because through daily practice and daily realization of your time frame, you develop the ability to master your everyday life. And on top of that, spend 1 hour to 2 hours in a highly professional manner with Wall Street, with the financial market, with CFD trading.

How Much Time Should I Take For My Daily CFD Business?
If you have a full-time job during the day (usually up to 8 hours), take into account your sleep time, and last but not least the time that you want to spend with your family during your Hobby & Leisure, then 1 hour to 2 hours a day, 5 days a week is completely sufficient. The time frame, as the name suggests, is about the length of time you take for your daily CFD business, for the financial market, for WallStreet. That is the goal of the time frame. And not about the quality of your activity in it – that’s what the trading framework is all about.

When Is The Best Time I Can Take For My Daily CFD Business?
From my own experience, the best time is – when you have a full-time job during the day to earn a living – during your Hobby & Leisure. And not immediately either. Because you still have a way home from work. Have to do other tasks that are important for the day: pick up children from kindergarten or school, keeping the house clean, shopping, etc. So, from my experience, it is advisable to more or less, in the middle of the time, during your Hobby & Leisure, get involved with WallStreet, get involved with the financial market, to care about your daily CFD business. So that before – and especially afterwards – you can fully spend your time with your family.

Why Should I Always Do My Daily CFD Business At The Same Time?
Habits have the advantage of a routine – even if many people perceive this as boring. But that’s only if you don’t know what (not) to do. And we know this – thanks to our trading framework. And that’s why it’s just as important, again based on my own experience, to take the same time every day, more or less, time your daily CFD business, time for the financial market, time for Wall Street. And not just to professionalize a habit, just to professionalize a routine, on the one hand. No – on the other hand, to signal to your loved ones with whom you usually spend your time during your hobbies and free time. Stop – stop! Now I’m taking the time for my daily CFD business.

Only trade what you understand! Never go long without a motive – let alone short. No motive – no action. I came to this conclusion from a former retired police officer, who has meanwhile died, after he once told me that for a police officer, for certain actions, there is no conspiracy, no big things behind every action. Even if most of it is kept under wraps in public for security reasons. It is what it is – it was what it was. In the financial market we have price action as the truth that we all know, if you will! But why the price action was the way it was, let alone is the way it is, was and is, is the motive of everyone involved. Therefore, always be clear beforehand about your motive for buying or selling something specific. And also about the motives of the individual other financial market participants – the market (the majority of the individuals).

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

While we have now found ourselves at the end of the trip over our time frame, I would definitely like to share a few more thoughts with you. Because they are some of the most important self-assessments that I have learned, thanks to the time frame. Every person can learn to organize an autodidactic, self-determined time frame for themselves. And if you then take 1 hour to 2 hours of time for your CFD trading, for the financial market, for WallStreet, you will realize every day that it was worth all the effort. Because you get ahead of everyday stress, let alone worries, even depression. Because you have a time frame – and now you always know what you (not) do. Your time frame also helps you to solve problems, think clearly, acquire new habits that are pragmatically practical, useful, become healthier, take responsibility, make decisions and improve your marriage or other relationships. Because with the help of a well-considered, structured everyday life, you will now learn to determine your thoughts in a simple and productive way, thanks to your self-taught, self-determined time frame. You will notice the effects in all areas of your life – both in your sleeping time, during your working time, and in your hobbies and leisure time. But in order to truly experience the enormous advantage of your time frame, you have to take another step – the decisive step. And that every day. You must realize your self-determined autodidactic time frame – and also recognize that you deserve to be able to live your CFD trading, your life, on an even higher and broader level in the future. You have to make the decision to take control of your life, using the time frame, and or also have the faith necessary to achieve this weekly, daily, 24 hours a day, every hour. You must learn to create the final new picture, thanks to your time frame, and start fulfilling it today, achieving more of the potential that your parents gave you in the cradle.

There is no one tool that will automatically fix your life, nor any other person who can do it for you. And this regardless of what your main job is in order to finance your living and that of your family. And or also how much your new CFD trading account will be. Because in the end – and from the very beginning – it will always be up to you to organize your life autoddaictically and in detail; to determine yourself. I have never thought that this was an easy task. And that too as a bona fide Catholic, as well as a friend of Jews, in the Jewish sector. Because the time frame is certainly easier to organize than weekly, than daily, than 24 hours a day, every hour. But I am convinced – and also thanks to the experience with numerous other Christian fellow human beings, Jewish fellow human beings, Muslim fellow human beings, and/or numerous secular atheists – that the autodidactic self-organization of yourself, the autodidactic self-organization of your own time frame, your decisions and yours Taking action is one of the most important life experiences you can ever have, regardless of your faith. What is the alternative? Correct! Let your fellow human beings organize and determine your life. You’ve come a long way. Remember that more than half of all CFD trading accounts are closed – as every reputable CFD online broker always annoyingly points out to us on their homepage. The time frame and the trading frame are no guarantee that you will be spared from this. But I am also firmly convinced that both the time frame and the trading frame based on it at least increase your probability of winning. And that’s what it’s all about; in the case of the time frame. In the case of the trading framework. Maybe you’ve even thought by now; said to himself: Let’s get on with it! That’s good – what I read. Movement. It’s time. That’s it. If you have made the decision to organize your life yourself, you should do it now.

Not only in the legal information on my websites but also in my books, I always emphasize that we – everyone who deals with WallStreet, with the financial market, especially CFDs – should always remain morally, formally legal and monetarily flawless. So we should always stick to the rules of the game of our political class when we (don’t) play along – in the country in which we live and with the passport of which we are citizens. Because in this way – and only in this way – by adhering to the formal legal rules, we not only remain unpunished – of course! What else? NO – no one can then morally discredit us, let alone demonize us, because we behave in a law-abiding manner.

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

About the Author

Marko Horvat

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