didactic reduction

What Is Meant By The Term Didactics?
While the didactics examines what should be taught and why, as in our case – the relationship (as a CFD trader and/or CFD investor) with oneself, the relationship (as a CFD trader and/or CFD investor) with other financial market participants , the relationship (as a CFD trader and or CFD investor) to the current price action – the methodology deals with how it can be conveyed. The content design and learning objectives are therefore the task of didactics. It is therefore also referred to as the theoretical science of teaching. And which I have just used to provide you with useful information. So that after implementing the D2D Basics and/or reading, analyzing and evaluating the BROKER Basics, you should no longer have any fundamental questions about how to get started independently and on your own initiative to work on WallStreet with the help of CFDS , to earn a few dollars.

What Is The Principle Of Reduction?
Reduction is a method in theoretical computer science in which one problem is reduced to another. If there is an algorithm for the second problem, the first can also be solved using the reduction. So that with the help of reduction, after days, weeks, months, but usually years of practice, you learn instinctively, emotionally rationally, to draw conclusions correctly from historical predecessors mathematically and/or semantically.

How Does Didactic Reduction Work?
“Didactic reduction” means that learning content is prepared for the learners in such a way that it is manageable and understandable. And hopefully that will also be the case in our case – in your D2D training plan. Therefore, read everything through first before you start implementing it. That’s It. D2D Basics. BROKER Basics. And then open a new CFD trading account so that together we can manifest your new knowledge into an higher portfolio value. Because that is the goal, the purpose, of your D2D training plan. To raise your competent personality to an even higher and/or broader level. In order to make even more money with the help of your margin on WallStreet, with the help of CFDs. I have chosen your D2D training plan to the best of my knowledge and belief from a wide range of material. Although I, too, do not want to guarantee or can guarantee this regarding the accuracy. Nevertheless, I think that the information provided, the help for self-help, will help you more than you could have imagined. Because thanks to the selection of content, after implementing your D2D training plan, you will have learned to concentrate only on the essentials – on what you can pragmatically influence and/or determine.

What Belongs In Didactic Reduction?
Didactic reduction, as in your D2D training plan, is not about simplifying, trivializing or thinning out the content, but rather about qualitatively and/or quantitatively adapting the learning material to the learning group. So to you, yes, exactly you, mine! If you want to learn how to help yourself with CFD trading on WallStreet? A reduction therefore always takes place with a view to the goal (helping people to help themselves with CFD trading on WallStreet), time budget (adherence to and implementation of the D2D training plan), and target group (people who have a full-time job every day and who also want to learn how to professional deal with WallStreet).

No transaction without first defining the number of transactions, the entry and exit price including the stop price, or the position size of the transaction in % of the portfolio. Stick to it too! This is the essence, my essence (which I describe as 3 variables), especially in relation to derivatives trading, CFDs. Because by defining the entry and exit price in advance (regardless of the timeline), you not only discipline yourself. No, you will always know what you can expect in terms of potential profit and/or loss as long as your transaction has not (yet) been completed.

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

Now That You Have Understood
The Meaning And Benefits Of Didactic Reduction
Let Us Briefly Discuss The (Dis)Advantages Of Autodidactism

Due to the huge amount of information, especially with regard to WallStreet, skills in self-taught acquisition of knowledge are required. An ability and attitude to life that is the fruit of one of the most important human character traits: knowing – and learning to accept – one’s own psychological and physiological limits. Self-taught learning is becoming increasingly easier thanks to an excellent tool that is now fully integrated into our everyday lives. Because it is available to us without restrictions at any time: the Internet. The endless exchange of information that takes place in this huge communication network allows us to overcome one of the greatest enemies of technology, which has so far limited hope and motivation: ignorance – not being able to learn what we can and or cannot do. The Internet allows us to organize ourselves into an intrinsically proactive person who is in control of his own education. Self-organization and independent learning – when you want, what you want, how you want – which enables everyone to acquire these skills and thus offers them numerous new opportunities and possibilities. This creates enormous potential for people who have a main professional activity – and who also want to earn a few dollars on WallStreet. Which I absolutely respect you for. Because I know from my own experience what it means to have an eight-hour full-time job, take care of the family, sleep, and – because there are only 24 hours in a day – not wanting to be able to deal with Wall Street professionally. With your D2D training plan, I’m now going one step further – I’m not just saluting you with respect – and I’m providing you with pagmatic, practical help for self-help. Because it goes without saying that you are always willing to grow and improve in an intrinsically proactive manner! Otherwise you wouldn’t read this homepage so carefully! Isn`t it?

Your D2D Training Plan Is Truly A Challenge
Because even if a lot of knowledge can be learned quickly, free of charge and completely uncomplicated on a daily basis, autodidactic learning is linked to a number of requirements. Because if there is a lot of information available, that is on the one hand positive, but on the other hand the selection is extremely difficult. And that’s especially true if you have a day-to-day job other than (un)directly on WallStreet – and you also have a family. But don’t let that make you feel guilty! With the help of your new self-organization (thanks to the D2D Basics) and your new old basic knowledge (BROKER Basics), from now on you will never again have a guilty and/or shameful feeling when it comes to CFD trading on WallStreet, on the financial market. As long as you remain morally, legally and/or financially sound. So your thinking, your speaking, and your acting remain in harmony. You adhere to the formal legal rules of the game, i.e. laws, in the country you are currently in and/or of which you are a citizen. And, thanks to CFD trading on WallStreet, your profits will (not) be taxed in a moral and legal manner.

The Peculiarities Of Autodidactic Learning
Autodidactic learning always occurs when someone finds something interesting and teaches themselves something that is usually (not) taught in educational institutions. Anyone who teaches themselves and/or acquires a passion for foreign languages ​​or various musical instruments is an autodidact. As in our case, with the help of your D2D training plan in relation to CFD trading on WallStreet, on the financial market. In the D2D Basics you will first acquire knowledge about your self-organization so that you can learn to master your everyday life. But that doesn’t mean doing more in the same time! Rather, it’s about setting priorities – and concentrating on what you can influence, what you can decide for yourself. This self-taught learning has its advantages, but it also has a significant disadvantage.

Of Autodidactic Learning
And/Or Your D2D Training Plan
It’s good that you learn something that you can use in everyday life. With the help of the D2D Basics you will have learned to organize your everyday life – and to concentrate on what is important. While thanks to the BROKER Basics you will have all your basic questions about CFD trading answered. So that you no longer lose time, let alone yourself, in WhatAboutIsm. Which gives you a competitive advantage, independent of other financial market participants, because you know what (not) to do in a self-organized manner. Another positive thing is that you don’t have any requirements. You learn independently when you feel like it. Although, based on my own experience and thorough forethought, I would like to advise you not to just stick to the content of your D2D training plan. But also on the schedule – i.e. the number of learning content on the respective days. Even if at the beginning it may seem like too much or too little learning content to you.

Of Autodidactic Learning
And/Or Your D2D Training Plan

Depending on how you go about it, the knowledge may be less in-depth. Also in the case of my D2D training plan. Which is why I talk about both D2D Basics and BROKER Basics. Because even if you, as a Wall Street veteran, have gone through both for the first time, at the end you will at least find yourself as a self-confident and competent personality. Who may not have learned anything new. But by repeating what you already knew, you at least became more self-confident. For some self-taught people, it may also happen that a deep understanding of certain learning content, including in your D2D training plan, is missing at the beginning due to the trial and error method. So that even if you have completely understood the material, in the end you will not know whether what you read, analyzed and/or evaluated today was useful in any meaningful way. Because you will not receive a diploma or certificate from any professor; not from me either. And that’s exactly what can be demotivating. And robbing each and everyone of the air they can breathe in order to carry on. Because you don’t get confirmation from those around you whether the knowledge you’ve acquired has advantages or disadvantages. Which is why ultimately only the development of the portfolio value can and/or is our benchmark right from the start with regard to the meaning and benefit of your D2D training plan.

So if you want to be able to implement your D2D training plan self-taught, you should think about the advantages and disadvantages. Depending on how blatant the deficiency is in some areas, you may find it more difficult to implement it in some days. And/Or easier on other days too. Which is why I usually only reduce the number of learning content to 2 or 3 lessons in advance. Which does drag out the D2D training plan on the timeline. That’s why you shouldn’t be overwhelmed. And you can learn to master your life, your CFD trading, fully self-organized and more competent every day, without the stress of everyday life. Take your time! What are 2-3 lessons per day (within half an hour)? And read my daily D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper, for another half hour? Correct! The more often you do it, the easier it will be for you. Not after a day, or even a week. But after a month, let alone a quarter, a year, you will be hard to stop! What you don’t believe me? I write this from my own experience…

The state fiscal policy of every country leads the way for the private economy of every nation, every kingdom, every country, every currency area. Because the fiscal policy leadership of any social order is the largest market maker, the largest broker. And thus mainly finances the monetary material prosperity of every society. That’s why fiscal policy should always be limited to the essentials that your fellow human beings need. Because every fiscal policy is only financed through debt on the financial market (in the form of bonds – see Bond Yield Curve) or tax revenue (on whatever – see tax revenue).

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

Less Is More – Thats Why Didactic Reduction Is So Important!
With didactic reduction, you decide which content is really important and which can be left out. You don’t have to implement my D2D Basics. Let alone read, analyze and/or evaluate the BROKER Basics of my 9 CFD online brokers with whom I have entered into an affiliate partner program. Nobody is forcing you to implement the entire learning content of your D2D training plan. You can now that you know what autodidactism is. And/Or also what didactic reduction means. Also create your own training plan. Nevertheless, I have taken the trouble to give you your D2D training plan in addition to my daily D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. It’s definitely worth working through. Because most of my readers were so impressed by the limited content of my D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper that I came to the conclusion that I should also provide them with help for self-help, based on my own experience. So that not only my daily D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper gives you an informative benefit every trading day. Rather, from now you can use my help for your self-help also by any other news and/or other information service about price action and WallStreet – about CFD trading. Because if you go through your D2D training plan, both in your professional life and private life, let alone on WallStreet, with the help of CFDs, you will find it easier to master the day and/or learn more efficiently.

You Will No Longer Find Everything Important In Your Everyday Life
– And You Will Also Learn (Thanks Didcatic Reducation) To Leave Some Things Out

Because most of us CFD traders and/or CFD investors do not lack the amount of information that is available on the Internet. On the contrary: The most common problem is that the amount of information, especially when we are busy with another main job every day (usually up to 8 hours), is far too large and therefore everything seems relevant. Not only your learning success but also the growth of your CFD trading account increases, of course not in proportion to the amount of information you read, analyze and/or evaluate every day. Which is why, when you go through the D2D training plan – the D2D Basics and/or the BROKER Basics – you will (un)consciously (un)intentionally no longer find anything important in your everyday life. And in the process we will also learn to leave some things out.

The Goal Of Didactic Reduction
Is To Aimplify Technical Facts Of The Case So Truly
And Competently That It Is Explained In A Self-Evident Way

All what you are saying about the price action should be true, should be to the best of our knowledge and belief. Because otherwise, if you’re a paranoid person, sooner or later you’ll find yourself in a guilty and/or shameful pit of bad conscience; in which all other financial market participants rightly persecute you, denounce you, and/or ignore or sabotage you because you lied. Just like in any other industry. Therefore, always communicate genuinely, to the best of your knowledge and belief, with other financial market participants. So that the feedback of all other financial market participants can only ever be proven to you as false information – so-called fake news. And no lies. Because as a learner you have always communicated with other people to the best of your knowledge and belief. And at the time as you provided the information, you didn’t know that it was a misinformation. Because if you had known, that it was a misinformation looking back, it would have been a lie. Because a liar knows that he is lying the moment he provides false information. And i don`t lie – about my information service, about the price action action, about cfd trading! And you should also not! Because otherwise, you’ll find yourself as a paranoid person, sooner or later. In a guilty and/or shameful pit of bad conscience; in which all other financial market participants rightly persecute you, denounce you, and/or ignore or sabotage you because you lied. Just like in any other indust and/or business sector.

The entire psychology is based on Freud’s findings: in order to learn to understand oneself better, to learn to understand our fellow human beings better, and/or also to learn to better understand the world, the society in which we live. You can save yourself the trip to the psychologist, psychiatrist, or whatever they call theirselfs! When have you learned to speak honestly to yourself? When have you learned to be yourself when dealing with other people? When you have learned to put the world, society, life into words as you realize it? And I say this as a convinced, trained literary student of Freud – from experience…

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

About the Author

Marko Horvat

I do not only ensure that you will easily receive all of our DEVISE 2 DAY information provided via the Internet. No - much more also that all what we provide to you can be read with any what about in words, numbers and/or images by anyone interested with the help of the wonder of the internet. If you have any questions, please contact me immediately.

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