Hobby & Leisure

Leisure time and hobby is the opposite of working time and primarily includes after work, weekends and vacations. Working hours have been decreasing in our so-called civilized West for several decades. While in the so-called third countries on this planet, the financially materially underclass is increasingly better provided for. Housing supplies, electricity, water and/or even food are being organized better by more and more states. So that the world, on the whole, despite all the catastrophes that we are served daily in the media, ultimately, on balance, gains in monetary material prosperity. The increased free time in our so-called West, on the other hand, is partly becoming a problem because many people have not learned to take advantage of it. Working, sleeping – and wasting a few hours with the family in between. This is what most workers’ day looks like in our so-called West. But even CFD traders who have previously acted without a time frame sometimes feel unfulfilled and almost at a loss. Why? Because you have no time frame! And you lose yourself in leisure activities that are offered to you like a commodity. Sporting events are the best example in this context. Which, by the way, I’m also happy to give myself if I want to take the time for it. And that’s the crucial point – the pragmatically practical useful thing about the time frame. Because the presentations of the mass media, especially television, as well as social media, also take over their private lives. So your time – which you could spend much more consciously on your hobbies and free time. The same applies to the development of hobbyhorses as personal hobbies into organized and commercially controlled hobbies. Of course, there are also efforts to awaken individual creativity (creative power), which could provide a balance against the constraints of the world of work in one’s free time. And in this case I see CFD trading as an excellent motivation. The real problem, however, is that no professional organization, without a time frame, has ingrained an attitude in most CFD traders, let alone fellow human beings, that stands in the way of the development of creative abilities; and if you give it healthy, peaceful, self-confident, and/or free, you will be canceled by those who think differently. So kept in check – and or also denounced. Many people avoid this conflict by spending their free time in an appropriate way rather than according to a personal plan. Which is why I am so incredibly proud of the idea and function of D2D Basics. Because with the help of your time frame and/or trading frame, from now on only you – yes exactly you, yes I mean you – determine how you manage your everyday life in terms of time. And or also what you will (not) do during your 1h to 2h if you take time for CFD trading.

According to negative definitions of leisure and hobby, a relatively freely available period of time outside of working hours, whereby work can mean both paid work and housework. However, at this point I am excluding our CFD trading, i.e. our financial market participation, i.e. our interest in Wall Street. Nevertheless, I would like to see the block of leisure and hobbies not only as a residual amount of non-working time, but also as a variety of actions and activities. And which can be exercised because of their hoped-for positive effect on the psychophysical state (enjoyment, joy, relaxation, fun, satisfaction, etc.). This involves very ordinary things, such as listening to a piece of music, watching a television film, going on a holiday trip, resting, going for a walk, and/or even attending or taking part in sporting events, etc. etc. Leisure & hobbies are thus defining a group of diverse actions with personally subjective, individually oriented meaning. And that regardless of your main job. In which you, at least in our so-called civilized West, ensure that you can afford your standard of living. Which also largely corresponds to the everyday definition of leisure and hobby as the time in which you can do whatever you want. And we want to take 1 hour to 2 hours to integrate CFD trading into our everyday life in a pragmatic, practical and useful way from now on. In order to master our everyday lives in detail and clearly.

Although the experience of hobby & leisure is poorly researched, there are some useful definitions of what hobby & leisure is. Different formulations of the two terms affect us humans, CFD traders, differently. I have tried to formulate in this text some distinctions between what many sociologists, as well as scientists, as well as fellow Christian pastors and Jewish rabbis, believe. I decided on the positive approach to no longer negatively differentiate free time – i.e. hobbies and leisure time – from working hours. Rather, with the hobby & leisure justification, try to use the time frame to combine both your sleeping time and your working time with your hobby & leisure time. Because a basic pragmatically useful definition of hobby & leisure combines numerous aspects. Leisure content and its function are of fundamental importance. Because hobby & leisure is seen as an independent period of time that can be designed by everyone according to their own subjective individual freedom and through independent, self-selected actions. Just like our time frame! Just like our CFD trading! Just like our trading frames! So that from now on at the latest, Hobby & Leisure is an independent area with its own content and meaning, also in your life, also in your everyday life. Which is why I want to give you three basic pieces of information about hobbies and leisure. Which do not have anything directly to do with your CFD trading, with your financial market participation, with WallStreet. But indirectly it will help you more than you can imagine today. Because in the future you will be able to cope with your everyday life much more relaxed, thanks to your time frame, thanks to your sleep time. Because you can put some new information into practice in a self-taught, self-organized way – if you want.

  • The Determination Time Describes External Constraints

  • The Bond Period Is Free From External Constraints, But Not Really Free

  • The Disposal Time Is Completely Free And When We Will Hopefully Spend Together

If you have learned to be honest with yourself – i.e. learned to talk to yourself (i.e. thinking) – then no other person can fool you. Okay, that’s not entirely true. He can fool you; but you will (nojn) outspoken realize it. And this is where the rabbit is buried in the pepper. Because everyone reacts differently, in certain situations, to certain people. In securities trading, this becomes particularly clear during every second – the so-called real time price action. Because we financial market participants are (un)consciously (un)intentionally all imperfect. And that’s why you always trade incorrect prices.

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

There Is Something Exciting
About Being Able To Master Your Own Everyday Life

Sleeping, main job (usually up to 8 hours), hobby & free time (where you waste time with the family) – and then also dealing with WallStreet, the financial market, trading CFDs. That’s an above-average challenge – one that few take on. And this is exactly where I start! This is exactly why the time frame is so important! Even if others tell you otherwise. Just try it – and do it! Because using and/or implementing your self-determined time frame every day gives you the feeling that you always have a detailed overview. And that 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. And that every hour. The time frame is not an all-purpose key that opens every door for you – that is not its function or its use. No. Rather, the time frame gives you the feeling of knowing where you are and of having at least a detailed overview over time – every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Even if critics overestimate themselves and dismiss it with superficial intellectual insults. Organizing order in your life self-taught using your time frame, at least from now on, is a skill that anyone can acquire and is not that difficult to learn. But using the time frame as a part of your own life is, first and foremost, purely a matter of attitude. If you want it – and implement it – it’s no problem! Unless? Yes – it`s a problem! Thats why, organize your own self-determined time frame. And stick to it. Because if you don’t; then the people around you (un)consciously (un)intentionally do it.

Time Frame
Time Frame: Bed Time
Time Frame: Working Hours
Time Frame: Hobby & Leisure
Time Frame: Hobby & Leisure – Daily CFD Business

Hobby & Leisure
In our so called western society; As we cultivate and preserve a healthy, peaceful, self-confident and free life with each other and/or next to each other, we normally spend 8 hours a day sleeping, 8 hours working (including school, and other further education institutes), and/or also have 8 hours of Hobby & Leisure time. Where we then waste time with our favorite fellow human beings – with our family. Because most people in our so-called civilized West have a full-time job to finance their living. And also sleep for 8 hours. And the day only has 24 hours. In this case, each individual has more or less 8 hours of time left – what I call Hobby & Leisure. Its the best time of our lives, for better or worse, when we usually waste our time with the family. And that regardless of whether you are an employee, employer, self-employed person, freelancer. Of course, there are paid jobs that take longer – and those that can be completed in a shorter time. Anyway? Because in this case too, as in the case of your full-time activity, i.e. your main job, the length of time you have, your hobbies and free time, does not play a decisive role for our CFD trading. The only important thing is that you organize your time honestly – when it comes to Hobby & Leisure. As in the other two cases (sleep time & work time). So that you can then, based on this, take your time in a well-considered, detailed manner for Wall Street, for the financial market, for CFD trading! If that’s what you want?

Your Everyday Life Will Only Ever Be Yours
If You Organize Your Time In An Autodidactism Manner

Other people, such as your wife, your parents, your children, your grandchildren, even maybe grandma and/or grandpa, as well as other family members, as well as other people, such as job colleagues, may try to influence your time frame. And/or try to decide about your time. But they do not have the right to do so. They can’t. And if? Then only because you allow it! Instead of believing that you don’t have time, that you don’t need a time frame, you should just try to determine a time frame for yourself. And stick to it for at least a week, preferably a month. Looking back, you won’t believe how pragmatically practical a time frame is. Of course you have obligations to do every day! Me too! But because you now have a detailed overview using your time frame every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you now have time every day for CFD trading, for the financial market, for WallStreet. All successful CFD traders and/or CFD investors that I know use my time frame and/or trading frame. Even if now – since we have known each other for years – only imaginary. They have their time frame, as well as their trading frame, memorized in their head, in their imagination, in their thinking cloud. And they can access it for theirself at any time if they want. Like my humble self, of course, too. Because the recipe for success of the time frame is that you simply know how to use your time well from now on. And that is not a gift, not a myth, let alone coincidence or luck. No. It is the result of your attitude and/or realization of your autodidactism self-determined time frame. But that takes practice. So start early next monday. Because through daily practice and daily realization of your time frame, you develop the ability to master your everyday life. And on top of that, spend 1 hour to 2 hours in a highly professional manner with Wall Street, with the financial market, with CFD trading.

The Determination Time Describes External Constraints
The determination time describes the time that is characterized by external constraints such as earning a living, raising children, sleeping, eating, etc. And it plays no role for our CFD trading, for our financial market participation, for our interest in WallStreet. Because I, as an IB agent, do not want to have any influence on it, in your life, in your everyday life, on a daily basis – and cannot have it on a daily basis.

The Bond Period Is Free From External Constraints, But Not Really Free
The bond period is free of external constraints – and therefore differs from your determination period. However, it should not be understood as freely available time. Because it includes all things that are absolutely necessary for living life and can only be done during non-working hours, such as cooking, doing laundry, etc. In contrast to fixed time, these duties are subject to a certain flexibility in terms of timing regarding fulfillment. And are therefore handled in the hobby & leisure block. The bond time plays a role for our CFD trading, for our financial market participation, for our interest in WallStreet, because the activities are also carried out in the Hobby & Leisure Block. And therefore cost us time. Which on the one hand we could either waste on the family. And or on the other hand with CFD trading. And since I, as an IB agent, have no influence on your life, in your everyday life, you cannot avoid personally and subjectively taking care of the activities during your bond period.

The Disposal Time Is Completely Free And When We Will Hopefully Spend Together
The Disposal time, on the other hand, is completely free of any constraints and is at your discretion – it is at your disposal. And that’s what I, as an IB agent, also care about. And which I, as an IB agent, would like to draw your attention to. Because in this scheduling time, thanks to your time frame and your trading framework, you can now concentrate on CFD trading like a professional for 1 hour to 2 hours a day. And only concern yourself with what you can influence. What will take your CFD trading to an even higher and broader level that you cannot even imagine today. And what I am incredibly proud of not only as an IB agent, but also as a teacher, as a trainer, as a head coach. Because I perceive the pragmatic, practical meaning and benefit of the D2D Basics among my followers. Even if critics, overestimating themselves, superficially deny this to me, to us.

That is the purpose of my DEVISE 2 DAY information service. The function of my job as an info broker agent. By providing you with help to help yourself free of charge – and getting financed by selected brokers. So that you too can open a new, second CFD trading account. In order to pragmatically implement the newly acquired knowledge into your everyday life – in order to continuously benefit. And you do this by sharpening your focus on your personality and competence. And do this methodically skillfully by first reading all D2D homepages – Newspaper D2D, Training D2D, and or also Broker D2D Homepage – so that you know what (not) to expect.

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

Now that you have autodidactically organized your time frame yourself – your sleeping time, your work time, and or even your free time and hobbies – it is important to cultivate this. To preserve it daily. Implement your time frame weekly, daily, even hourly, also pragmatically and in a practical, useful way. But don’t imagine that WallStreet, the financial market, the other CFD traders are waiting for you – have been waiting for you. And not because other people are evil – or want something bad for you. No! Every person has their own personal, subjective experiences to work through – and/or also has different values ​​and world views. So you should assume that only very few will help you with the implementation of your time frame and trading frame. And that’s why I want to help you help yourself – because I don’t want to and can’t do more than show you how it can work if you want it and implement it. This simple, banal insight is actually not worth mentioning – but it has enormous consequences, as I learned from a non-fiction author, entrepreneur coach, and/or trainer for psychopathology and clinical hypnosis. And since I have been privately involved in the field of human behavior for as long as I can remember, I still come across people today who, in relation to Wall Street, in relation to their market participation in the financial market, in relation to their CFD trading , at the end of wisdom, because the day is only 24 hours a day. And here the rabbit lies buried in the pepper. If you are the problem – you are the solution. And this is independent of the fact that someone close to you is so negative that it is difficult for you to realize your time frame weekly, daily, 24 a day, every hour.

I had the opportunity to observe many CFD traders, financial market participants, WallStreet, who were willing to try anything to balance their everyday life, their job, and their CFD trading. And thanks to my help with self-help, you learned to organize your own time frame in order to master your everyday problems even better. I’ve seen how your time frame made you more confident – without you even realizing it. Once I met a CFD trader friend again after a year after I presented him with my time frame. To find out if it works – before I go public with it. He didn’t even notice how more self-confident, relaxed and relaxed he now communicated with me in my presence. It wasn’t until I asked him about the time frame that he couldn’t stop grinning. But please don’t get me wrong! The time frame is also not a final solution. However, I have found that some remarkable changes can be achieved with the help of your self-organized, autodidactic time frame if you – yes, I mean you, yes, you, exactly you – no longer see yourself as a victim of your everyday life. Refuse to accept the negative attitudes of other people – and stick to your time frame. To your trading framework. But you have to make the decision to do this. Because neither you, let alone me, can help a third person make your everyday life, your CFD trading, even better. Therefore help for self-help. Neither you nor I can help another CFD trader self-taught to organize your time frame if we allow ourselves to be influenced by someone else’s negative attitude. You are the problem – the solution. Because I have also learned, based on my good (almost naive) will, that if you want to help your fellow human beings, or if I want to stay away from the negative attitudes of individual people, the first thing I should do is sweep in front of my own door. And we now do this using our time frame – and or also trading frame. And self-taught, self-determined.

I traded two of my trading accounts down to almost zero after depositing a three-digit sum once. I also traded a three-figure sum into a five-figure sum. Believe me, I have learned my lessons. And I have discovered that it really gives me joy when other CFD dealers, financial market participants, come back to me and confirm that, thanks to my humble person, their trading account now has even better performance. Which satisfies me enormously – like a trainer, like a teacher. Who himself, during his time as a player or even a student, didn’t do the best back then. But today – at 45 years old – everything is worth it, as they say here in my home country of Germany. And he has become an intelligent, no, wise, trainer, teacher. Especially for people who have a full-time job during the day to secure their livelihood. And beyond that, you still want to get involved with Wall Street, with the financial market, with CFD trading. Because if a person like you, with the help of the time frame, becomes a positive person in everyday life, the people around you will witness an amazing development. Because if you organize your everyday life yourself in an autodidactic way and now design it with the help of your time frame, this process is often similar to the process when a caterpillar goes through a metamorphosis and finally becomes a beautiful butterfly. You have spent a year pragmatically practically usefully in the gym. However, the crucial enormous difference of such a change of attitude to the positive in everyday life, with the help of your time frame, is that we are not just observing a butterfly on a branch, but that we are the bodybuilder of our future, to a certain extent. And thus the entire future of every single person changes – weekly, daily, 24 hours a day, every hour.

It is like it is! I love this insight from Kant. And especially when competent busybodies are fooling you in order to convince you of a different point of view. So don’t fall for the Quiz Master effect of many leaders who are secretly no more competent than you – and therefore want to rule over you. Because wisdom is, above all, knowing when to remain stubborn – even if 12 others argue against you – when you know better. If you have better arguments. Because it’s always a question of time when people change their minds or remain stubborn! And that on a case by case basis. And that regardless of at what time and/or where they belong to the 12 and/or even individually.

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

About the Author

Marko Horvat

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