learning technique

A directed, autodidactic learning process is also referred to as self-study, in contrast to formalized studies at a university. The term didactic reduction is used in the context of didactics, especially school didactics. Didactic reduction helps to reduce extensive and complex issues to their essential elements in order to make them accessible to learners, i.e. how to make it manageable and understandable. Now I would like to give you some information about the content of your D2D training plan. Because the path to mastery in any activity, let alone CFD trading on Wall Street, on the financial market, doesn’t happen overnight. It doesn’t just take days, weeks, months. But rather quarters, if not years. Which is why I gave you a lot of space on the timeline in your D2D training plan. So that you will never be under time pressure again. And on a daily basis you can easily acquire the learning content summarized by my humble self.

I know that it sounds paradoxical to implement your D2D training plan self-taught.
Ultimately, the selection of the context and/or the scheduling did not take place under your own control. It’s just a way for me to help you to help yourself. That’s true – but that’s all that I’ve laid out for you, prepared and made available in a courteous manner. And because the content of my D2D Basics and/or the BROKER Basics is mainly just basic information about self-organization and/or CFD trading, you can assume that I will leave it to you yourself. Because the function of your D2D training plan only fulfills the function of helping you to help yourself. Just as your father most likely taught you to ride a bike, I would like to provide you with information on how you can learn to ride a bike. How to use the price action, on the financial market, on wallstreet, with the help of CFDs. And that even with the learn content of D2D Basic and/or BROKER Basics. Thats why it is surely important for you to deal with the time frame and/or trading framework of the D2D Basics at first. Before you read, analyze and evaluate the learning content of the Broker Basics in writing.

  • For Whom Was Your D2D Training Plan Intended, Formulated?

  • What Interested Students For Your D2D Training Plan Need To Have?

  • What Is The Fundamental Basic Learning Goals Of Your D2D Training Plan?

  • What Things Will You Be Able To Do After Going Through Your D2D Training Plan?

  • What Will Happens With You After You Went Through Your D2D Training Plan?

  • How Much Time Do You Need Per Day For Your Daily D2D Training Plan?

  • How Many Days Will It Takes To Complete Your D2D Training Plan?

  • Why Is Your D2D Training Plan Provided Truly Free Of Charge?

For Whom
Was Your D2D Training Plan Intended, Formulated?

Your D2D training plan is formulated for private financial market participants who want to earn a few dollars on WallStreet, the financial market, by using CFDs. And this is especially true if you have another main professional activity to secure your livelihood. Because there are hardly any schools when it comes to WallStreet that will provide you with professional, competent basic knowledge. Let alone make it available for free.

What Interested Market Guys
Need To Have For Your D2D Training Plan?

In order to carry out your D2D training plan, you as an interested person only need 3 basic resources in addition to a functioning internet connection: time, decision-making ability, and/or capital. Time – that you take for the coming days, weeks, months and quarters. Every day, more or less half an hour at least. After you have implemented the D2D Basics, first thoroughly autodidactically. Before you start with the BROKER Basics – when you read, analyze and/or evaluate the learn content. Determination – to stay on top of things every day. So the decision to also decide to go through your D2D training plan to the end. Precisely the fundamental decision to make decisions in your life, for yourself in everyday life, and/or also on the financial market, on WallStreet in relation to price action (buy/sell or do nothing). And you also need money – to literally capitalize on your D2D training plan in the form of a new CFD trading account. In order to use the autodidactically dialectically reductive knowledge, on WallStreet, on the financial market, to manage an even larger portfolio value with the help of CFDs.

What Is The Fundamental
Basic Learning Goals Of Your D2D Training Plan?

The fundamental goal of your D2D training plan is that after you have gone through everything, you can now master everything on your own, if you want to. You will not only have learned to master your everyday life, but rather you will also have learned to focus exclusively on your CFD trading for a certain amount of time every day. And then just concentrate on what you can influence; what you can decide for yourself.

What Things Will You Be Able
To Do After Going Through Your D2D Training Plan?

After completing your D2D training plan, you will know how to master your everyday life in a self-organized way! And not only that? From now on, you will always know what you (not) have to do when it comes to your CFD trading. Both as a CFD trader and/or as a CFD investor. Because you have broken down your CFD trading didactically and reductively, like a paid professional. And not only have a competent trading framework in addition to your overarching time frames, but actually stick to it every day; implement it.

What Will Happen With You
After You Went Through Your D2D Training Plan?

After completing your D2D training plan, you will not only feel like an even higher and broader competent personality – no – you will be. Because you will know at any time, anywhere, what you (don’t) have to do in everyday life, let alone on WallStreet, on the financial market, with the help of CFDs.

How Much Time
Do You Need Per Day For Your Daily D2D Training Plan?

You should generally take at least 1 hour to implement your D2D training plan on a daily basis in a meaningful and useful way. 2 hours a day is even better. But because most financial market participants on Wall Street also have other main professional activities (up to 8 hours per day); Just 1 hour a day should be enough to gain a pragmatic, practical, competent competitive advantage in the long term. Although that is not the goal of your D2D training plan – to compete with other financial market participants. But always just to keep your CFD trading account profitable in the long term.

How Many Days
Will It Takes To Complete Your D2D Training Plan?

You need only one day to implement my D2D Basics. Because you must, no you can, determine the content of the time frame and/or trading frame yourself. And here the rabbit lies buried in the pepper. Because in the case of the D2D Basics it is important to stick to the self-determined plan on a daily basis. So that you can last but not least, read, analyze and/or evaluate the learn content of the BROKER Basics. So you will need up to XXX days in total! But don’t worry – don’t be intimidated by the size of the number! On the contrary: you only need half an hour more or less every day for your D2D training plan. And if you want, just another half hour to read my daily D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. So that after XXX days you will definitely find yourself at an even higher and broader level. That you can’t even imagine today.

Why Is Your D2D Training Plan
Costs Nothing, Is Provided Free Of Charge?

Because on the one hand I want to create trust in myself. And on the other hand also in all of my 9 CFD online brokers with whom I have entered into an affiliate program. So that after completing your D2D training plan, nothing stands in the way of opening a new second CFD trading account with a broker of your choice. In order to use your knowledge, on WallStreet, on the financial market, to manage an even larger portfolio value with the help of CFDs.

Your D2D training plan separates the essential from the non-essential without reducing the validity of the actual statement. Imagine if you only had 30 minutes a day to study something fundamental? This is the function of your D2D training plan! Can you imagine that you only have 30 minutes a day to find out about the most important things about WallStreet? This is the function of my D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper! That’s why I also make sure that you are informed about central banks, the economy, financial market price action, other important scenarios, and/or also in the area of ​​technical analysis, in any case, from day to day, from broker to broker. So that you can be informed independently by up to 9 different CFD online brokers regarding the choice of topics and/or depth of the learning content. Even if the selection of learning content of just 1 to 2 and/or a maximum of 2 to 3 main topics per day is quite limited. And thats why take daily 1 hour time for your financial market participation. So that you can daily implement your D2D Training Plan – within an half hour. And in the 2nd half hour you can read, analyse, and/or evaluate my D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper also. Even if that means your D2D training plan needs more numbers of days. The small number of main topics per day has a decisive didactic reductive advantage. Namely, that you can read, analyze and/or evaluate the content of the reduced learning content better. Yes, you can even learn to repeat it in writing, in your own words. True to the motto: only those who write something will retain something.

No transaction without first defining the number of transactions, the entry and exit price including the stop price, or the position size of the transaction in % of the portfolio. Stick to it too! This is the essence, my essence (which I describe as 3 variables), especially in relation to derivatives trading, CFDs. Because by defining all your transactions in advance in position sizes of the transaction as a % of the portfolio, you not only discipline yourself. No, you will also learn to deal with Wall Street, the financial market, and price action in a much more relaxed manner. Because you haven’t bet everything on a specific price movement. Even if you face higher profits (because of your target price) and losses (because of your stop price).

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

What Is Criminology Simply Explained?
Criminology is the study of the means and methods of combating individual crimes and criminality (crime) through preventive (preventive) and prosecuting (repressive) measures.

What Is The Difference Between Criminology And Criminalistics?
Criminology is often confused or equated with criminalistics: In contrast to criminology, however, criminalistics is not concerned with researching the causes of criminal acts, but rather with solving them.

What Is Criminology Simply Explained?
As a criminologist, you study crime and criminality from different perspectives. Among other things, you will be involved in researching crime, designing preventive measures, educating target groups about criminal behavior and also helping to solve crimes.

  • what (crime)

  • where (crime scene)

  • when (time of crime)

  • who (perpetrator)

  • why (motive)

  • how (course of events)

  • with what (tool of crime)

This 7 Questions Are Not Only Encountered By Fans Of Crime Films
During The Business Of Their Favorite Inspectors, But Also In Everyday Life

And most of the time without each individual being aware of it. Even at school we were taught to ask questions. But for the most part, as small children, questions that were important to us back then were (un)consciously (un)intentionally not answered in a way that satisfied us. So that most people, after their teenage years, let alone as adults, have lost this curiosity about life. I know what I’m talking about – I felt no different about this. But don’t feel guilty about this (because you don’t want to forgive yourself), let alone ashamed (because you didn’t know it any better). Rather, continue reading this text; I remind you of this – and after reading this text you will feel like you have jumped into an imaginary fountain of youth. Because asking doesn’t cost anything! But don’t overdo it! Because many people make the mistake of circling verbally, in what-about-ism, semantically around themselves and/or others, in all their good-natured joy of life and or even childish naivety. No! Many people who like small talk – I actually don’t like that much anymore. But I also really enjoy, I mean really really enjoy communicating about price action on WallStreet (and everything around it). And also use this open questions. After all, small talk and/or discussions with other financial market participants should encourage people to chat. And many competent journalists also (un)consciously (un)intentionally answer the open questions in their writings. Even the fire brigade when responding to a fire and/or even the police, as indicated in the introduction, use this questioning technique. Depending on the teacher, trainer, coach, and/or life experience in the various areas, the number and prioritization of the W-questions differs more or less marginally. Because a police report is always an analysis of the past. While, for example, the learning content of my humble self, in the D2D Basics, and or also the BROKER Basics, the cfd online broker, are texts that relate to the future. And, in the best case scenario, serve as an aid to self-help. Whether 5, 6, or even 7 questions are asked – the result is likely to be the same. As a questioner, you get a better, detailed overview of a topic about which you previously knew nothing, and/or something you didn’t know better about. And in the best case, in every case, in a structured form; if you answer the following questions with targeted skill while reading, analyzing and/or evaluating certain texts, such as the learning content of the BROKER Basics.

Especially when I read a text by a prominent financial market participant – without naming names at this point – I become instinctively emotionally rational while reading, in the form of analyzing and evaluating the text, using the following learning technique a detailed overview. Of course, there are numerous other learning techniques too. But I think that at this point, especially for the beginning, especially for the BROKER Basics, the learning technique described now seems to be the most useful. This is because its simplicity not only makes you self-educated, but also takes didactic reduction into account. yes, even put into practice.

Therefore, always read all the individual pages of the BROKER Basics first without judgment.
And always analyze and evaluate what you have read retrospectively. Just like a police officer, an inspector. That’s the most important thing – the secret. The secret that, looking back, there is no secret! Except for your dissolving knowledge after analyzing and evaluating each individual text, each individual learning content, in the BROKER Basics. In order to maintain a competent, detailed overview every day while implementing the D2D training plan, I have prepared templates for you that you simply have to fill out every day. So that you can no longer avoid answering the W questions every day. Unless you use my templates, your D2D training plan, the help for self-help is simply not possible. Use the templates. You will be amazed not only at how easy and useful it is to implement the learning content. No! You will also learn to express what you have learned in your own words. What promotes your willingness to communicate – makes you self-confident! Above all in the relationship with yourself, as a CFD trader and/or CFD investor! In the relationship with other financial market participants, as a CFD trader and/or CFD investor! And last but not least, especially in relation to market price action, as a CFD trader and/or CFD investor! Because when you start implementing the D2D training plan, you will not only have learned to listen to certain other financial market participants. No. More and more other financial market participants will also start to listen to you. What you don’t believe me? Simply implement your D2D training plan first! What do you have to lose? That’s right – just half an hour (maximum 1 hour) a day! Realize your D2 D training plan! And not after a few days and weeks. Not even after a few months. But maybe after a few quarters. And certainly after a few years. Once you have completed your D2D training plan and opened a new second CFD trading account. And traded you it with my humble self as your IB Info agent, you will look back, like most who have known me for years, and be amazed at what you have done looking back, I taught everything myself. Because in the learning technique of your D2D training plan, we only use the didactically reductive form – what (crime), why (motive), and or how (course of the crime) – on our template sheet. Because the other questions – where (crime scene), when (time of crime), who (perpetrator), and or with what (instrument of crime) – can of course be answered at this point also. But they don’t help us make better trading decisions. So that the only thing standing in the way of your D2D training plan is you!

where (crime scene)
The WHERE answers itself in our case, in every case, of course. The learning content of BROKER Basics always includes the homepages of the individual brokerage houses.

when (time of crime)
The WHEN is obsolete for us because the D2D training plan is not geared towards day-to-day business. The content of your D2D training plan has been put together so that you learn something fundamental about CFD trading, about the financial market itself, about WallStreet. In my D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper you can find out everything you need to know about day-to-day business. In which the WHEN, i.e. the time of the published information, usually always has a decisive ambivalent meaning in relation to the current price action.

who (perpetrator)
The WHO answers itself in our case, in every case, of course. The learning content of BROKER Basics always includes the individual brokerage houses.

with what (tool of crime)
The WITH WHAT is the trading platform for us CFD traders and/or CFD investors. Namely the MetaTrader4 trading platform. The MetaTrader5 trading platform. And/Or also the TradingView trading platform. All of my 9 CFD online brokerage houses provide them free of charge. And which can also be used on a trial basis for testing purposes in the form of a demo account (MetaTrader4 and or MetaTrader5) as well as a free basic account (TradingView).

The criminological questions are the decisive questions that quickly make it clear whether a text is written in a comprehensive, informative and/or also useful and competent manner. But these questions are also important outside of the exchange of information, which is why everyone should know them. Because if you work with learning content such as the BROKER Basics, you have to capture all the important information. And the easiest way to do this is to take some time to do the preparatory work and do this work systematically. And I have already done that for you! Because that’s where I see my benefit as an info broker agent for you! That’s why I would like to give you a learning technique that you may already know from elementary school, but which is still used more or less even at high schools and/or even at elite universities. So that you can now capture all the information from your D2D training plan, I have found out and have also pragmatically determined that with the help of didactic reduction, in our case, your D2D training plan, just 3 criminological questions are enough to usefully read, analyze and/or evaluate any text of the BROKER Basics.

what (crime)
What Does The Author Want To Convey To Me?

This question can usually be easily identified in the form
of the heading in each individual learning content of the BROKER Basics.
And or also in the first paragraph – after the heading. Nevertheless, you should always try to convey the title, i.e. the learning content, in your own words. What promotes your own competent personality. Because as already written, professional authors, journalists and/or analysts, as well as the paid employees of CFD brokerage houses, also use these 7 questions, at least our 3, (un)consciously (un)intentionally. Which is why the WHAT question is always a very good start to any analysis and evaluation after reading.

why (motive)
That’s Why I Learned And The Text Makes Sense!

This question depends on your personal subjective individual perception.
And is groundbreaking for your D2D training plan. Because depending on what you (don’t) know beforehand, a certain part of each learning content will seem worth mentioning to you in order to record it in writing. Practice makes the master – also in this case (the WHY question). That’s why the learning content makes sense to me. That’s what I didn’t know yet. That’s what reminds me it’s right. That’s why I write it down in my own words.

how (course of events)
How Can I Use What I Wrote For Myself Tomorrow?

The answer to this question is most likely the most important,
because it obviously answers the meaning and purposeof wht we why do.
Because reading, analyzing and evaluating every piece of learning content in BROKER Basics should always serve as a help for you in the future. How can I best use what I have just read, what I have just analyzed, what I have just evaluated in the future? This must be recorded in writing every day, in any case. Because this knowledge is not just your self-determined, newly formulated bridge to the future. But rather also the new old knowledge in your presence.

The state fiscal policy of every country leads the way for the private economy of every nation, every kingdom, every country, every currency area. Because the fiscal policy leadership of any social order is the largest market maker, the largest broker. And thus mainly finances the monetary material prosperity of every society. Fiscal politicians come and go – but people in society stay. Which is why you should always take the currency of each company into account when trading something on the financial market. And because the currency is decisively influenced by the interest rate – and which in turn is ambivalently interactively the consequence first of the fiscal policy and then of their own economic area – as taxpayers, which we all are, we have to inform ourselves about the fiscal policy of currencies where are trading CFDs like about our own private household. What may be only few do? But giving you a competent advantage if you do it!

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

You should generally take at least 1 hour to implement your D2D training plan on a daily basis in a meaningful and useful way. 2 hours a day is even better. But because the most financial market participants on Wall Street, on the financial market, also have other main professional activities (up to 8 hours per day), usually 1 hour should be enough. 30 minutes for your D2D training plan (to learn BROKER basics daily). And/Or also 30 minutes for my daily D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper (to be up to date every day at the same time). By the criminological question method we mean questions that are in the form of an interrogative sentence. These criminological questioning methods all begin with so-called interrogative pronouns. As the name suggests, interrogative pronouns belong to the pronoun class of speech. That means they stand in place of a noun. The special thing about using interrogative pronouns is that you can’t just answer with “yes” or “no”, but you have to provide a substantive answer. And here the rabbit is buried in the pepper. Is the problem? Are you the answer! Because this criminological questions method always requires an open answer. Most of the time, these criminology questions are supplementary questions. This means that they must be supplemented in order to be able to answer the content elements of a text. In principle, these questions can be applied to all texts. Not just the BROKER basics. So, in order to use the criminological questions method for your D2D training plan, I recommend the following learning technique.

  • Open The Training Exercise Template
    For Today’s Lesson With The 3 Questions!
    I have made both the D2D Basics and the BROKER Basics available to you free of charge on GOOGLE Drive. Copy them yourself. And start implementing it next month with the BROKER Basics as suggested in the template. But not without first determining the D2D Basics yourself on weekend before. Stick to the daily amount of BROKER Basics learning content – even if it may seem too small to you. This is a deliberate decisive submission. Because, in addition to the basic self-taught self-study of the BROKER Basics, you also have time for up-to-date information. Like, for example, my D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. And/Or also other information services about the financial market, about the WallStreet.

  • What Does The Author Want To Convey To Me?
    That’s Why I Learned And The Text Makes Sense!
    How Can I Use What I Wrote For Myself Tomorrow?
    Read, Analyze And/Or Evaluate The Text Like You Think!
    From now on, these 3 questions should be your constant companion when you deal with Wall Street and/or the financial market. Remember these 3 questions so that you can answer them more or less instinctively and emotionally rationally for yourself while reading, analyzing and/or evaluating the learning content of the BROKER Basics. Make asking the question and/or answering it a matter of course. And always when it comes to reading, analyzing, evaluating news and/or other informations to (not) buy/sell something specific, with the help of CFDs. The learning content of your d2d training plan is an outstanding exercise that, if you go through the entire BROKER Basics learning content, will help you throughout your life. And not only when it comes to participating in the financial market – much more beyond Wall Street.

  • Write The Informations Into The Template With Your Own Words!
    Most of the texts in the BROKER Basics learning content are understandable and clear (in a detailed overview) – and this also means that I, or you, may not agree with the learning content. yes, sometimes, from text tio text, may be even are completely contrary to what we read. That’s why writing down the knowledge gained from each individual BROKER Basics learning content is so enormously effective. Regular writing not only helps avoid errors in grammar and content, but also promotes your own linguistic competence and/or understanding of the text. Therefore, practice answering the 3 criminological and criminalistic questions: what, why and/or how! Which will definitely, in any case, strengthen your competent personality. If you consistently implement your D2D training plan every day. And put everything in writing. You can’t even imagine today how high and/or broad your competent personality will develop. By answering the 3 questions in writing, your communication skills and/or identity formation will also be strengthened – and not just your competent personality. Because anyone who formulates intelligent and/or fantastic sentences themselves automatically becomes more intelligent and/or even more fantastic. And learns and gets to know in the process the difference (between intelligence and imagination) better every day.

If You Use My Template To Implement Your D2D Training Plan
You Will Find Out The Most Important Information In The Text For You

And not only that. With this help you will learn how to practically and pragmatically implement a targeted, self-taught, self-help tool. And with the help of didactic reduction, you can understand the learning content more competently and quickly. And that day after day. From learning content to learning content. And only for 30 minutes – a maximum of 1 hour a day. And this also applies if you have another main professional activity. To make a living. Because if you use this method regularly, you will certainly quickly realize that my good preparatory work, my help for self-help, is becoming more and more worthwhile for you every day! Daily, day by day! So that the implementation of the D2D training plan becomes a part of your everyday life, a part of your life. It will help you in ways you couldn’t even imagine (before the realization)…

That’s it! Don’t be afraid to be yourself – when you’re alone, when you’re around people. Learn to speak honestly with yourself – that is, to think. Most people prefer to communicate with honest people rather than dishonest ones. And they are usually only dishonest, not themselves, because they think the other person is dishonest. Most people would rather be in the presence of an honest loser than a fake winner. At least that’s how I feel too! Not you? Not the most of us?

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

About the Author

Marko Horvat

I do not only ensure that you will easily receive all of our DEVISE 2 DAY information provided via the Internet. No - much more also that all what we provide to you can be read with any what about in words, numbers and/or images by anyone interested with the help of the wonder of the internet. If you have any questions, please contact me immediately.

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