News Navigation

It’s worth thinking about CFD trading in general. About your own market participation in the financial market. About what you do on WallStreet. And especially if you don’t earn your living from it. And therefore has another full-time job during the day. Because everything we (don’t) do during the 1 hour to 2 hours of CFD trading can be formulated. So describe – execute. And I’m just describing this in our sub-trading framework, our parent time frame, in the news navigation and/or account management.

News Navigation is a nice apt description that is easy to remember.
And refers to the fact that when we deal professionally with CFD trading, with the financial market, with WallStreet, we actually only ever have to carry out two activities: either research. So reading, analyzing and/or evaluating news and other information. In order to then, as a second activity, make a trading decision based on this: buy, sell or do nothing. Which can then be classified under the term account management. You can also exchange the term news navigation with the words research and or decision-making process. The meaning and purpose is the same. Because during the 1 hour to 2 hours a day in which we deal with CFD trading, with the financial market, with Wall Street, we either do research or we carry out a transaction. That’s all! Or?

Research, i.e. the decision-making process, during our news navigation, is our main activity as a CFD trader and/or CFD investor. It is important to be aware of this on the tongue. To know the smell of your own professionalism. Because most CFD traders lack this acumen, also due to the numerous Hollywood films in which some bad guy always uses immoral and illegal methods to take money out of people’s pockets. Having fun at parties. And give them the feeling that you are stupid – and that WallStreet, the financial market, let alone CFD trading, is not a job for you. And this is exactly where my D2D basics come in – with the help of the time frame and/or the trading frame. With the help of this, if you have another full-time job, you can now participate in a highly professional manner on WallStreet, in the financial market, in CFD trading! If you want to?

Here I will introduce you to the step-by-step process for making better trading decisions and introduce you to a pragmatically practical approach to decision making. Because not a day goes by that we don’t make trading decisions during the 1h to 2h that we take each day for CFD trading (using the time frame). Because not buying something; something not to sell; is also a trading decision! Or? Do we go long on Apple shares? Or should we rather be short? Do we buy CFDs on the USD Index? Or would we rather sell? No – we’re not trading either today! Two trading decisions made again! And even though we make such trading decisions every day, we are not clear about this decision-making process! Why? Because we have not made the process conscious. Because we don’t have a detailed overview picture of what we (don’t) do. And that’s why it’s even more important that you understand your trading framework clearly – in a detail overview manner. Both your research, your decision-making process, and your news navigation. Because, as a prfessional at least from noew, your account management builds on that.

  • Analyze What You Want To Trade And/Or In What You Want Invest

  • Gather All Available Relevant Information To Stay Competent

  • Find Other Contrarian Analyzes That Contradict You Also

  • Make Your Trading Decission: Long? Short? No Trading?

  • Calculate The Impact On Your Account Management

Do you make rules? Do you stick to your rules? And when you don’t succeed with your rules? What are you doing? Right – change the rules! I call this approach a systematic approach, operational action, if you will. No transaction without first defining the number of transactions, the entry and exit price including the stop price, or the position size of the transaction in % of the portfolio. This is the essence, my essence (which I describe as 3 variables), especially in relation to derivatives trading, CFDs. That`s why stick to these rules. Or do the opposite! Anyway? Make up your rules before you act…

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

There Is Something Exciting
About Being Able To Master Your Own Everyday Life

And/Or To Know What (Not) To Do While Your CFD Daily Business
Sleeping, main job (usually up to 8 hours), hobby & free time (where you waste time with the family) – and then also dealing with WallStreet, the financial market, trading CFDs. That’s an above-average challenge – one that few take on. And this is exactly where I start! This is exactly why the time frame is so important! Even if others tell you otherwise. Just try it – and do it! Because using and/or implementing your self-determined time frame every day gives you the feeling that you always have a detailed overview. And that 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. And that every hour. The time frame is not an all-purpose key that opens every door for you – that is not its function or its use. No. Rather, the time frame gives you the feeling of knowing where you are and of having at least a detailed overview over time – every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Even if critics overestimate themselves and dismiss it with superficial intellectual insults. Organizing order in your life self-taught using your time frame, at least from now on, is a skill that anyone can acquire and is not that difficult to learn. But using the time frame as a part of your own life is, first and foremost, purely a matter of attitude. If you want it – and implement it – it’s no problem! Unless? Yes – it`s a problem! Thats why, organize your own self-determined time frame. And stick to it. Because if you don’t; then the people around you (un)consciously (un)intentionally do it. Which can also be described in terms of your trading framework. Therefore, take 1 hour to 2 hours a day and implement your detailed trading framework. And this day after day, week after week, month after month, quarter after quarter, year after year. Because only by repeating it every day will it become a habit in your everyday life – you will become a CFD professional. And that regardless of whether you want to act with the help of CFDs, on the financial market, on WallStreet, as a CFD trader and/or CFD investor. No more trading decisions (long/short or not trading) without prior News navigation. And/or also never ever without prior account management. That’s the purpose – the pragmatically useful way of my D2D Basics. Your new everyday life as a CFD professional.

Trading Framework
Trading Framework: News Navigation
Trading Framework: Account Management

News Navigation
If you try to put into words everything you have to do, in terms of your CFD trading, in terms of your market participation in the financial market, in terms of your interest in WallStreet, you could autodidactically self-organize, if you want, anything between the two words “research” and/or “action”. Under the two terms „news navigation“ and/or also „account management“. Research and the corresponding News Navigation are about analyzing and evaluating what should (not) be traded. So should we buy something? Whether we sell something? Or do we do nothing? That’s why we read online newspapers, as hopefully my D2D does too. Daily newspapers – such as the FTD and or even the WSJ worldwide. To name the world’s most famous English-speaking oldest. Let’s look at news channels like BloombergTV and or even CNBC. And communicate with other financial market participants. The goal of research, of news navigation, is always to come to a decision. Something to buy! Sell ​​something! Something nothing to trade! Thanks to your news navigation, you no longer leave your decision-making process to chance or your current mood. Because you know now what is (not) to do during your 1h to 2h every day, in the case of your CFD Daily Business. Read paper news, subscribe to online not only but also broker newsletters, watch TV shows (mostly on BloombergTV and/or CNBC), listen to certain podcasts, communicate with other financial market participants, just to make decisions about whether to buy, sell or not trade a certain security. The decision-making process consists of the phases of decision preparation (news navigation), the decision by the decision-maker (autodidactic self-determination on your part), and the decision execution and control (account management).

Your Everyday Life Will Only Ever Be Yours
If You Organize Your Time In An Autodidactism Manner

Other people, such as your wife, your parents, your children, your grandchildren, even maybe grandma and/or grandpa, as well as other family members, as well as other people, such as job colleagues, may try to influence your time frame. And/or try to decide about your time. But they do not have the right to do so. They can’t. And if? Then only because you allow it! Instead of believing that you don’t have time, that you don’t need a time frame, you should just try to determine a time frame for yourself. And stick to it for at least a week, preferably a month. Looking back, you won’t believe how pragmatically practical a time frame is. Of course you have obligations to do every day! Me too! But because you now have a detailed overview using your time frame every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you now have time every day for CFD trading, for the financial market, for WallStreet. All successful CFD traders and/or CFD investors that I know use my time frame and/or trading frame. Not all of us are born decision makers and sometimes making a trading decision (long/short or not trading) can be really – I mean really really – difficult. And that is exactly what makes the trading framework pragmatically useful. And that has to be implemented every day, during the 1h to 2h, in your CFD daily business. So that you can analyze and evaluate more confidently every day with the decision-making process, with your research, in the form of your news navigation. Because to make a decision, you have to rely on your critical thinking skills because you have to collect and analyze information and then decide whether to go long or short on a security using CFDs. Or, depending on the case, you don’t want to trade (long or short) at all.

Analyze What You Want To Trade And/Or In What You Want Invest
Before you make a trading decision (long/short or not trading), you should familiarize yourself with the relevant security (such as the APPLE share or the USD index). Take a critical look at the security in advance. After all, you are trading with your hard-earned money. And we want to increase it – and not lose it. So stick to this 5-step plan. This is your daily business from now on at the latest; their research; Your news navigation. Stick to it for your sake – not mine. So you can make even better trading decisions. Analyze what you want to trade and/or invest. And you do this by gathering all the relevant information available to stay competent. To make a competent trading decision. Also find other contrarian analyzes that contradict you. So if you want to go long, also read the arguments why other financial market participants prefer to go short. And vice versa too. And all of this before you have even made a trading decision: long? short? no trading? And also calculate the impact on your CFD trading account. So that in case of success, let alone in case of loss, nothing surprises you. So you can now call yourself a CFD professional if you want. Even if you have another full-time job during the day to finance your living expenses. And or critics also deny this. Even dismissing her as superficial and overestimating herself. Yes, even denounce.

Gather All Available Relevant Information To Stay Competent
In order to be able to make the right trading decision (long/short or not trading) every day, during the 1h to 2h, you should also involve the right people in your decision-making process, during your research, while your news navigation. But this also means saying goodbye to certain people, certain newsletters, and certain programs that you have previously consumed regularly. And with the help of new newspapers, such as my D2D, not only but also to be informed from now on. Because a certain diversity of people is always advantageous. Because you get to hear, see, read and get different aspects – even if you agree. For example, to buy APPLE shares. To sell the USD index. Or vice versa. Make a list of which daily newspapers you will buy and read from now on. Also a list of weekly magazines. As well as from BROKER newsletters – such as my D2D. Read also the analysis and/or opnions of so-called independent analysts, traders and/or investors. The most ones are free – and some are more valuable than the broker newsletters and/or paid daily newsletters. The same goes for stock market broadcasting programs that run daily on BloombergTV and/or CNBC for example. Also think carefully about which podcasts you listen to. Because you only have 1 hour to 2 hours each day. Therefore, you should sort out mercilessly – which increases your probability of making profits (or not).

Also Find Other Contrarian Analyzes That Contradict You
You are now a CFD professional if you have understood my D2D basics and have already organized your time frame yourself. And now have a clear picture of what your trading framework looks like in a detailed overview manner. What you (don’t) have to do every day during the 1h to 2h. Namely, practicing your research, your decision-making process, your News navigation on a daily basis. So, analyze and evaluate information about CFD trading, about the financial market, about WallStreet, about a specific security that you might want to trade (long/short or not trading). But most private CFD traders or CFD investors don’t understand this – because no one has told them (yet). Who else? My humble person! This is where the rabbit is buried in the pepper. Because I assume that most of those who have failed with CFD trading, like my humble self, decades ago, of course, did not put their decision-making process in the foreground back then. Therefore, put your news navigation in the foreground – because that is what you have to do in the 1h to 2h every day, in the case of your CFD Daily Business, from now on at the latest. And use the possibilities of the Internet – social media. So that there is not just a pure exchange of information, but also a discussion with other financial market participants. To confirm your own analysis and assessment that you have previously made. Or perhaps even to change the analysis and evaluation.

Make A Trading Decission: Long? Short? No Trading?
In the next step of the decision-making process, you make your actual decision. Everything you have learned so far, with the help of my D2D basics, in the form of your time frame and/or trading frame comes to this step – in fact it boils down to this step. Therefore, at this point, always recall all the relevant information in your mind’s eye. And take into account what impact your decision will have on your CFD trading account. Please also note the contrary analyzes of other financial market participants. Because most of the time, the trading decision, as i learned you will quickly also learn from your own experience, is not one of the alternative courses of action, but a mixture of different solutions, even if you implement your CFD trading in a well-considered, pragmatic, practical and useful way, at the latest from now on. A bunch of keys, if you will – from central bank informations, economic data, other financial market price action (non) correlations, (inter)national (geo)political circumstances, as well as technical analysis. So don’t always get caught up in one piece of information or one breaking news – even if you’re successful at times. Because CFD trading, on the financial market, on Wall Street, is not about getting things right. But rather to make more money than you lose because of the right trading decisions (long/short or not trading).

Calculate The Impact On Your Account Management
As I just wrote, in the case of my D2D Basics, with the help of the overarching time frame and sub-trading framework, everything boils down to making better trading decisions (long/short or not trading) every day. With the help of the time frame, we organize our everyday life autodidactically. And with the help of the trading framework, we now know every day what we (don’t) have to do within our 1 hour to 2 hours, while our CFD Daily Business. All CFD account holders who have opened a new CFD trading account via my broker D2D homepage, I try to avoid lazy compromises, in context to account management, at all costs, when I communicate with they every day. If you decide on a specific course of action, you must first define three variables of your account management. Namely the number of transactions, the entry price as well as the stop price and target price, as well as the percentage of each transaction in the total portfolio value. Because in this way – and only in this way – we and especially you are spared of positive and/or negative surprises. Which of course can also mean that we miss a 20% increase within a week – even a 100% increase within a year. But on the other hand, if you implement the information I have provided in a self-determined manner, independently of my humble self, in your own interest, your new CFD trading account will never fall by 20% within a week. Let alone you will run out of money within a year.

I believe that in this case he wants to warn us about brokers that we are trading too much. So carrying out too many transactions that he thinks are unnecessary. Because in a historical context, stocks have always risen over the longer term. Which is true – but that’s not the majority of stocks. Neither on Wall Street, let alone on the Nasdaq – I don’t even want to start talking about this about the rest of the world. Because in the mainstream media of the financial markets, stocks that don’t rise are of course kept quiet – and even not promoted, so that the business on Wall Street, that of the brokers, continues. That`s why make rules for yourself and stick to them! And when you don’t succeed with your rules? Then change the rules! Such as: no transaction without first defining the number of transactions, the entry and exit price including the stop price, or even the position size of the transaction in % of the portfolio.

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

We spend a good third of our lives growing up, another third with our full-time job, and the third sleeping before we, in our so-called West, retire. Presumably the time of growing up – the time between the main job and the time spent sleeping – is perhaps the most productive time of all. Which was categorized under hobby & leisure in the time frame. And this is exactly where the rabbit, in the pepper, is buried. If you are the problem – you are the solution. In order to be able to carry out our CFD daily business professionally, we first have to organize 1 hour to 2 hours of time ourselves every day. So that we can carry out our CFD trading in the first place. And then with the help of our trading framework. Because what we do in the 1h to 2h of our CFD daily business affects everything and influences everything we do with the remaining hours of our lives. And regardless of what main job we pursue, we want to ensure the prosperity of our family. Because our work also affects our marriage or personal relationships – which have little to do with Wall Street. Every time I meet and talk to other financial market participants, I ask what you do for a living. Only a few confirmed to me that they can only make a living, or want to make a living, with CFD trading. I’m always surprised at how many people tell me about their job, which most of them like, but more or less have problems with managing everyday life. So, more or less looking back, everyone gave me a positive impression with regards to the D2D basics – the time frame and/or trading framework.

Organize your everyday life yourself in a self-taught manner – and take 1 hour to 2 hours per day. And stick to your trading framework – both your news navigation and your account management – to become a CFD pro by repeating daily, repeating weekly, repeating monthly, repeating quarterly, even repeating annually. By CFD professional I mean having both a time frame and a trading frame – even if the content differs from that of my humble self. So the way we, as professionals (who have other professional activities on a daily basis), behave throughout CFD trading. Because there are hardly any schools in which we learn how to (not) do something on Wall Street. Although more and more CFD online brokers have also come to the idea that it also benefits them if their account holders are more competent than not. Those who want to improve their everyday life and, above all, their CFD trading will benefit from the time frame and trading frame. Because I got to know many people in positions of responsibility on Wall Street who also always knew when they had something to do (not) privately or professionally. However, they all had one thing in common. It was the attitude towards professionalism. Exactly the skill that each of you had learned to use, whether you worked in a consulting company. Or they themselves had assets worth billions to manage. It is very likely that the ability of both your everyday life, with the help of a time frame, and your own profession, with the help of a trading framework, played a very important role.

We can be so many things if we only allow it. And or also have the corresponding competent personality. What we can now learn with the help of my D2D Basics and or your D2D training plan if we want. There is much more in each and every one of us than ever comes to light. And this regardless of what main job we do every day. Or whether we deal with WallStreet – or not. Because at this moment, as you are today, you already have more abilities, more potential than you ever realized. And now imagine what you will feel when you have already implemented your time frame and trading frame on a daily basis for weeks, months, quarters, even years. Now, at this very moment, paint a picture of yourself by naturally fulfilling your wildest, realistically optimistic expectations – by already being the CFD professional that you secretly always wanted to be. To ensure that this image does not remain a dream, let alone an imagined illusion, you must implement both your overarching time frame and your subordinate trading frame on a daily basis. Week after week, day after day, 24 hours a day, every single hour. Which shouldn’t be a problem since you decide everything yourself – all by yourself. Everything is up to you. So that the future image of a CFD professional is as tangible and real as possible today. It is practically pragmatically useful to imagine such an image of ourselves. Because it shows us the way, spurs us on, gives us strength and courage, gives us the strength and stamina to get up again tomorrow – and (not) do the right thing again. And from now on, at the latest, with the help of a time frame and/or trading framework. Admittedly, we will never become, let alone be, the CFD professional that is possible. Nevertheless, don’t let anyone make you feel guilty. Don’t feel guilty – or ashamed either. It’s better to optimize your time frame if you can’t manage your everyday life – until you can. Same with the trading framework. Optimize your trading framework – until you have better portfolio performance. And with the help of my humble self. By opening a new CFD trading account.

That’s it! The intrinsic proactive, enlightened, atheistic, superior self-determined version of a role model. A good son, a good acquaintance, a good friend, a good brother, a good father – just a good person.

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

About the Author

Marko Horvat

I do not only ensure that you will easily receive all of our DEVISE 2 DAY information provided via the Internet. No - much more also that all what we provide to you can be read with any what about in words, numbers and/or images by anyone interested with the help of the wonder of the internet. If you have any questions, please contact me immediately.

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