Learn To Organize Yourself Within Only Just One Week
– So That You Can Then Teach Yourself All Basics Within A Year.

Learn To Organize Yourself Within Only Just One Whole Calendar Week.
In Order To Then Have Taught Yourself The Most Important BROKER Basics In Just 365 Days
– In The Form Of A Total Of 1212 Lectures, Which You Can Complete Every Day Within 30 Minutes To 1 Hour.



Damir Galić
Your Info Broker Agent

As an Info Broker Agent, I understand myself who deals with informations with anyone who wants to deal on WallStreet and/or the financial market daily, in a competent, professional manner. Especially with Derivates – so called CFDs. And that first and/or foremost if you have an another full-time job on trading days in order to finance your living expenses.

Become a CFD professional – even if you have another full-time job on weekdays – by learning how to organize your everyday life and define exactly how you carry out your Daily CFD Business. And this with the help of extensive learning content provided free of charge by various CFD brokers also. That is the meaning and purpose of our Training D2D Homepage. Take 1 hour to 2 hours to read the entire homepage – so you know what to expect. Namely, daily self-instruction for a year to become a professional self-actor on WallStreet, by using CFDs, and a new (2nd) CFD Trading Account.

Founder & Director


Info Broker Agent
DEVISE 2 DAY Info Service

Become a CFD professional – even if you have another full-time job on weekdays – by learning how to organize your everyday life and define exactly how you carry out your Daily CFD business. And this with the help of extensive learning content provided free of charge by various CFD brokers also. That is the meaning and purpose of our Training D2D Homepage. Take 1 hour to 2 hours to read the entire homepage – so you know what to expect. Namely, daily self-instruction for a year to become a professional self-actor on WallStreet, by using CFDs, and a new (2nd) CFD Trading Account.

My work as an Info Broker Agent is something I no longer wanted to hold back – could no longer hold back. I have been dealing with the topic of WallStreet more or less (un)successfully for more than two decades now. And I had success to show – in the form of tripling my own trading account (in the form of a five-digit EUR sum). And/Or rather two total losses of my own CFD trading account (in the form of a four-digit or five-digit EUR sum). As a trained retail salesman, from a simple working-class family, in the lower middle income, I was immediately fascinated and enthusiastic about the stock market, the economy, the banking system, politics, and/or the surrounding circumstances . What motivated me again and again and again to continue, to want to (not) deal with WallStreet (in) directly more or less again and again and again. So that now I want to pass on my knowledge, my experience, as an info broker agent.

Over the last few years, I have quietly and unspokenly recognized how a simple concept, implemented first only by me and then by a few motivated family members, friends and/or good known individuals I knew, grew into a phenomenon that touched virtually all segments of the population: interest in the WallStreet – and especially specifically for the daily working population, i.e. the so-called middle class. And that with the help of CFDs. So for people like you and me – who normally have a full-time job for up to 8 hours a day. In order to be able to finance the living expenses of your own family. And beyond that, still want to be able to deal on WallStreet, with the price actions on the financial market, in a professional, competent, informative manner.

At the beginning there were only a handful of people to whom I gave my D2D Basics knowledge (in the form of a time frame and/or trading framework), but the BROKER Basics knowledge in particular attracted a lot of more attention from the working population. And especially among fellow human beings for whom Wall Street seemed as far away as Mars and/or Venus. While professional friends who earn their money as analysts, fund managers, bank employees and/or as their own traders, mainly on Wall Street, were absolutely thrilled. And couldn’t stop talking to me about refining the trading framework, of my D2D Basic knowledge. And most of the curious fellow human beings, even the so-called working population, stopped spitting after they first realized their time frame for a few days and/or weeks. Because they couldn’t imagine such a competent, informative improvement to their everyday life before.

Although my approach has already been used successfully by people from various industries who have little to do with the price actions on WallStreet in everyday life, let alone with CFDs, many also told me that they wanted to learn a lot more from me. Most of them wanted me to formulate further concrete action frameworks that were already ready for use. And which they could also implement pragmatically and successfully in their everyday life. The new informations that I got from the feedback from people close to me, some of whom have known me professionally for more than 2 decades, and who hold leading positions (such as founders of CFD online banks, publishers, fund managers, and/or also Analysts and commentators from numerous diverse competitors) asked me to formulate a pragmatic, practical, promising approach for the working population. Because informative competence fundamentally benefits the financial market, i.e. all financial market participants, and ultimately society as a whole right from the start. It will be beneficial if everyone involved learns to inform themselves at least more competently – because most people interested in the financial market still lose more money than they profit. What I can’t change – and I don’t want to fool you either (about this). However, I have met people who opened a new CFD trading account, lost their money – and still thanked me because, looking back, they now know how WallStreet works, how the financial market works, and/or even now know what CFDs are . Most have learned to minimize their losses – and achieve a few percent return monthly, quarterly or even annually. And that’s thanks to my help for self-help, how you can increase the probability of winning, make profits – and at the same time educate yourself competently on a daily basis. I have the confidence to do that – I can do that – and I want to convey that to you!

The pseudonym Aaron
(known from social media for over a decade) is the result!
Aaron, the big brother of Moses. Who accompanied his brother Moses on the way from Egypt to Israel.
That’s how I see myself when it comes to my work as an info broker agent. And that as a baptized, believing Catholic who, for as long as I can remember, has always realised himself as a friend of Jews. But without having ever dealt with Catholicism, let alone Judaism, in a depth and/or professionally spiritual, let alone scientific way. I’ll leave that to the pastors and/or the rabbis. But regardless of that – without wanting to digress – I like this metaphor, this image, of the informative brotherly companion (Aaron, who helps Moses). And above all as a monetarist, materialistic person, Aaron – in contrast to Moses – also. The spiritual moral leader of all spiritual moral leaders – our human history. So coaches of all coaches. I love this picture, this presupposition, especially because Moses was in connection with God – Aaron, on the other hand, was in connection with the people. Just as I hopefully do with the working population – with regard to WallStreet (also with the Golden Calf). While Moses – like the rabbis – deals with the great moral interpersonal questions of humanity. To which the firmness of today’s rabbis can be traced back, whose origin can be found in the firmness of Moses. Which can be seen in the fact that Moses received his stability through sovereign grace in accordance and fellowship with the mind of God. Aaron, on the other hand, noticed behavioral problems during his lifetime by listening to his people’s suggestions. And so I hope, even with the DEVISE 2 DAY Financial Market Online Newspaper, to be able to inform every interested person – regardless of religion, nationality, profession and/or age – a little more competently, about the WallStreet, about the price actions on the financial market, every day. And I also offer you basic self-help in the form of a one-year training course on WallStreet and the financial market, and above all with the help of CFDs. So that last but not least also nothing stands in the way of you opening a new (2nd) CFD trading account to win me over as your info broker agent.

Subscribe to the DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper. Complete the one-year training – help for self-help. And/Or open last but not least a new (2nd) CFD trading account. Because only as soon as you have opened a new (2nd) CFD trading account with a broker of your choice, who have entered into an affiliate partner program with me, and I have received confirmation from our CFD online broker that you have deposited a sum, I will contact you personally. And we reorganize ourselves – with the help of our self-determined time frame and/or trading framework.

Our D2D Homepages have become more extensive than my original concept. This is partly thanks to my personal private and/or professional business environment. On the other hand, it also comes from admitting and accepting the necessity that something worthwhile will, sooner or later, more or less, prevail. Because most business ideas and/or services find their way if they are acknowledged – and interested parties make their voices heard for the first time. And I Aaron (real name Damir Galić) would like to be an example in this regard. And I hope you are ready for it too.

Our D2D Homepages have become more extensive than my original concept. This is partly thanks to my personal private and/or professional business environment. On the other hand, it also comes from admitting and accepting the necessity that something worthwhile will, sooner or later, more or less, prevail. Because most business ideas and/or services find their way if they are acknowledged – and interested parties make their voices heard for the first time. And I Aaron (real name Damir Galić) would like to be an example in this regard. And I hope you are ready for it too.


Visit our Training DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage,
especially if you have a full-time job on weekdays,
subscribe and, above all, read regulary our daily
D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper!

On working days to have a full-time job
doesn`t have to be a disadvantage for you,
if you want to make money on the Wall Street,
on the financial market – with the help of CFDs
– you just need a competent Info Broker Agent,
daily informations, and/or a CFD Online Broker!


Visit our Broker DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage,
especially if you have a full-time job on weekdays,
and open an account with one of ours brokers
to turn back your supposed disadvantage!

On working days to have a full-time job
doesn`t have to be a disadvantage for you,
if you want to make money on the Wall Street,
on the financial market – with the help of CFDs
– you just need a competent Info Broker Agent,
daily informations, and/or a CFD Online Broker!


What Drives Me?
Regardless Of Making Money!

As an
Info Broker Agent
I am interested in it

that your trading plan
works in a useful way for you!

With the help of a superordinate time frame, you will be able to master your everyday life better. And above all much more, if you are pursuing another full-time job to earn your living. So that with the help of the subordinate trading framework, you can then focus only on the price action within 1 hour every day, when you participate in the financial market – on what you can influence. And then with the help of a news navigator tablet. And other means of communication, thanks to the wonder of the Internet. Which will raise your self-image about you, about other financial market participants, let alone the price actions, to an higher and/or broader level that you cannot even imagine today!

As an
Info Broker Agent
I am interested in it

that you`re truly getting
more competent every day!

Thanks every daily DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper Editions you will always competent stay professionally up to date every day – like a professional trader and/or investor. Even if you have another main job to earn a living. Because every D2D Edition has been published especially for you, yes exactly for you. So that you too can read, analyze and/or evaluate what moves the price action daily. And that well considered systematically from meaningfully useful perceptions such as of the central banks, of the economy, in correlation with other prices, certain scenarios, and/or also with a specific technical analysis (incl. entry, target and/or exit price) in every D2D Edition)!

As an
Info Broker Agent
I am interested in it

that you`ll be supported
from my humble person daily!

Trading and/or investing too much, too many transactions, is the greatest addicted desire for compensation of every private participant, who has another main professional activity. And still wants to earn money with the help of the price action on the financial market. Because he hasn’t learned to accept his losses – to let they go – and to start again. To get out of this fear, open a new cfd trading account too. And I will support you with more other psychological and/or philosophical insights to get out of this negative spiral of eternity. Thats why we always operate with a subordinate trading frame, under an overriding time frame. And always only optimize our trading framework monthly, weekly or daily!

As an
Info Broker Agent
I am interested in it

that we build a long-term
trustworthy true relationship!

Character traits like teamwork, conflict ability, robust stress resistance, initiative, resilience, competently traceable skills, willingness to learn and/or empathy, is said about me by wallstreet veterans who have known me for years, indeed for decades, not only in relation to the price action on the financial market. But I don’t want to hide from you that I’m not perfect either, let alone assume that our business relationship will be flawless. No – because I have already traded my cfd trading account below 100 USD 3 times. And my portfolio value not only tripled (within less than 2 years). And have many people already helped to increase their portfolio value continuously!

Helping people to help themselves, that’s what drives me – of course, in addition to earning money!
That´s why I hope that I will also earn much more money if many interested financial market participants as possible open a new trading account on my homepage. So that my affiliate cfd online brokers will provide me with an even larger sum of our affiliate program in the coming months, quarters and/or years. And I can, even with the help of our Današnja Valuta Ltd., inform you even much more better next week and/or tomorrow as today. And with my cousin, with whom I founded Današnja Valuta Ltd. I have launched and run, one day even hiring and employing some like-minded people with a good salary. Because my help to help myself is not an end in itself. Rather, it is my driving force that drives me every day. So that my interested fellow human beings, who appreciate my humble personality and not only read my D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper but also open a new second CFD trading account, don’t make the same terrible mistakes as I have so far. And I will certainly do so in the future. But definitely not twice as often. Let alone three times. Thats why I feel like a grandfather trying to support his grandson. Like a father his sons. An uncle his nephew. Like a sport coaches his player. And/or a players his sport coach. A nephew his uncle. A son his father. A grandson his grandfather. Therefore, take this opportunity to open a new second CFD trading account. So that together we can earn clean, good money. And hopefully we will become trustworthy and successful truly business partners for life…

Daily Informed Like A Pro

Newspaper D2D Homepage

Get Every Day Informed Like A Pro About The Price Actions On The Financial Market
– And That Especially If You Do Another Full-Time Job Every Day To Finance Your Living Expenses!

Open A New 2nd CFD Trading Account

Broker D2D Homepage

Open An Additional 2nd New CFD Trading Account With A CFD Online Broker Of Your Choice,
To Benefit In The Truest Sense Of The Word – Thanks To The Training & Newspaper D2D Homepages!

Info Broker Agent

Današnja Valuta Ltd.

As an Info Broker Agent, I earn money with my Današnja Valuta Ltd., which I founded and run with my cousin, by giving interested people around the world the opportunity to open a new CFD trading account at a CFD online broker. On behalf of Današnja Valuta Ltd., we have concluded an affiliate partner program with 9 different serious CFD online brokers. And we will be rewarded with a sum when someone open a new CFD trading account. And/Or we get a sum when a certain number of transactions are made. In addition, we have also concluded an affiliate partner program not only with all of our 9 different serious CFD online brokers, but also with TradingView and/or Trading Economics. Who also finance our daily published D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper exclusively. And reward us for it every month. Because for their account holders, even our clients, we write and distribute the D2D Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper exclusively every day, day by day. A broker acts either himself, by instructions of his account holders, and/or on behalf of other people. And is therefore the link between each account holder on the one hand and the stock exchanges on the other. Thats why private individuals and/or institutions cannot trade CFDs without a CFD broker. So my purpose and benefit, as an Info Broker Agent, lies in the fact that, i.e. even like with the help of this Training D2D Homepage too, I try to inform all interested people so competently that they – yes, you too, I mean exactly you, yes, you are meant – make even better trading decisions (long/short or no trade).

Damir Galic
Današnja Valuta Ltd. Founder and/or Director

I am primarily responsible for the content of our daily published DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper (up to 250 times a year). As well as for the training content on the Training D2D Homepage. As an Info Broker Agent, I try to provide all of my readers with competent information so that they can make even better trading decisions (long/short or no trade). In addition to selecting and evaluating information, I also decide for us (Današnja Valuta Ltd.) with which affiliate partners we (not) do business with. And by mutual agreement, put a very assured future prospect in the foreground – even if it brings with it low income in the short term. Because I have set myself the goal of making my readers more competent. Which is why you also have the opportunity to try to literally capitalize on your newly acquired knowledge via our Broker D2D Homepage. By opening a new second trading account – a CFD trading account – on Broker DEVISE 2 Homepage. Thats my job – your meaning & benefit.

Marko Horvat
Današnja Valuta Ltd. Co-Founder and/or Secretary

I am primarily responsible for the distribution of our daily published DEVISE 2 DAY Affiliate Financial Market Online Newspaper (up to 250 times a year). As well as for the training content on the Training D2D Homepage. As the main person responsible for problem-free sales, I ensure that all D2D information reaches interested parties. So that we (Današnja Valuta Ltd.) can provide all of our readers with competent information so that they can make better trading decisions (long/short or no trade). In addition, I also ensure that our monetary business flow runs smoothly; this means that invoices are both paid and created on time. Because our priority is to have a very secure future prospect – even if this brings with it low income in the short term. Because I have set myself the goal of get all the information we provide at any time you want. And that on all D2d Homepages – Training D2D Homepage, Newspaper D2D Homepage, and/or Broker DEVISE 2 DAY Homepage. Thats my job – your meaning & benefit.

On our D2D Homepage we (Današnja Valuta Ltd.) provide information about WallStreet, about the financial market, about CFD trading. We act as an information service that reads, analyzes and/or evaluates publicly available informations. So that based on this, we can provide informative support to interested people who are trying to find their luck with the help of CFDs on the financial market even on WallStreet. Hopefully competent support from our side. Thats why you will primarily only get basic informations on the Training D2D Homepage. In order to first read everything fundamentally on your own in an autodidactic manner. On the Newspaper D2D Homepage, however, there is our D2D Online Newspaper. Which seems up to 250 days a year. And with their help you will be informed about the financial markets, about the WallStreet pragmatic, practical. So that from now on you can be competently informed every day – if you want it too. While on Broker D2D Homepage we are also given you the opportunity to open a new CFD trading account. Where you can try to capitalize on everything you have learned from us, in the truest sense of the word. And with the help of us, especially Aaron, as your supportive companion. In the role of an Info Broker Agent – when you open a new CFD trading account. And also Marko – who will ensure that Aaron’s information always reaches all of our clients who have opened a new CFD trading account.

We – everyone who deals with WallStreet,
with the financial market, especially with CFDs
– are all looking for quick money!
What else?
That was all of our first instinctive emotional drive!
Or? Com`on! Isn`t it?
But this greed – speed – needs to be learned to curb!
So that our greed (to make more and more money out of money),
let alone our fear (that we will lose our money to others),
does not manifest itself in the form
of our left carotid artery becoming calcified.

Damir Galić
better known as »Aaron«

Help For Self Help

Training D2D Homepage

Learn To Organize Yourself In Just One Calendar Week, Within Just 1 Hour A Day
– So That, Based On This, You Can Learn Yourself All You Need To Know About CFD Within 1 Year!

Training D2D Homepage

What Our Training Graduates Say About Us

Write us a Email – incl. selfie, which city (country) you come from and and we will consider publishing your thoughts here may be too

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    Basic Informations About This “Training D2D Homepage”
    This Training D2D Homepage is only an information website – and not an invitation to deal with CFDs and/or to participate in the financial market or on WallStreet. Because we are not a credit institution that handles securities transactions with you. No – we are much more truly an information service that informs you about the price actions on WallStreet, on the financial market, and that also with the help of CFDs. Therefore, always understand our information as trading capabilities – because ultimately, right from the start, you bear both the moral and/or formal legal personal responsibility, not to mention monetary, for your (not) acting – even in the form of CFDs, on the financial market, on the Wall Street. So that we – in the form of our Današnja Valuta Ltd. – neither morally nor formally legally, let alone monetarily, can be held responsible for your resulting profits and/or losses. Find out more about CFDs, the financial market, the WallStreet, even independently of our information service, from your bank, especially from the bank advisor of your bank. We do not fulfill this function. Inform yourself also about the legal framework of the country in which you are currently reading this website – and/or what nationality you are. Because the use of the information remains and is your own personality responsibility. If Training D2D Homepage does not meet certain moral, legal, as well as monetary requirements – in the country you currently live in and/or whose citizenship you have – we (Današnja Valuta Ltd.) hereby request you to leave this Training D2D Homepage immediately.